After a long day of computer repair and listening to woman complain about multiple issues I needed a brake! So I headed off to the Green Belt Trail by Cold Spring Harbor with the intension of looking for tracks or any proof of deer. I ask at least 15 dif. "hikers" if they have ever seen or heard of deer on or around this trail. NOPE NO DEER HERE... (Not surpised as many hikers are not in tune to nature as they think, IMO.)
OK So I head in. To say it only took me 5 min would be a understatement. The first logical area I check out I jump a deer. I found what appeared to be fawn tracks on the way out... Not surprised for this time of the year. Did not take long to verify that area... I am going to check out Koster Park next chance I get and possibly check the fields by Oakwood Road. Funny how just seeing a deer makes my day, Esp when no other people on the trail even know they are thier and I jump one in less than a 5 min scout... So much food for deer in those woods, amazing. Made my day, next time I will bring the cam corder, this was spur of the moment... Hiking in Dockers and a collared shirt probably looks funny with everyone on the well worn trail dressed as hikers and me asking about deer probably raised some eyebrows so I made it short and sweet and thankfully successful!