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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/12 in all areas

  1. Here's my 3 point plan End Welfare End foreign aid Sterilize unions & welfare addicts
    5 points
  2. Dude he and everybody else gets it, for crying out loud get off the podium, man some people just love to bust on others to make themselves feel better. You are probably the only guy on the face of the planet that doens't talk on a cell phone driving, speed, roll through stop signs or do anythign else illegal right. Just give it up, we know its illegal, we get it. They are just pictures, and I don't think deer are going to be extinct in NY from people putting out a mineral that helps the health of wildlife that can otherwise be found naturally in the environment anyway. Man its pain in the a$$ posts like these why nobody wants to post on these sites but the same few guys that have to constantly stroke themselves.
    2 points
  3. Ditto. He can't because he's too busy working like the rest of us. Did anyone find it strange that all the news channels were claiming the race was too close to call? How is a 60% to 40% too close? I thought Palin nailed it on fox. (yep, I used Palin, nailed, and fox in a sentence ) http://video.foxnews.../1675571731001/ Anyone catch the woman on either Hannity or O'reilly with Juan Williams? She said something like " We can't go on half (of us) making and half taking." A unionized middle class can not afford itself.
    2 points
  4. It still comes down to the Indian, not the arrow.
    2 points
  5. My Dad decided after 2 years to get the other wolf he shot mounted, so now he has them both. I think this mount is insane! Very realistic.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Walker's fight was only against public sector unions, not private ones. He won because he supported taxpayers and they were on his side. The other side was supported by those who leech off the taxpayers. Imagine if that side was large enough to win the fight. Right now, that is what they will start working towards. They fail to realize if the side that takes is larger than the side that pays, the game is over. That is what Walker was fighting against from the very beginning. If your paycheck comes from public coffers, you have no right to demand anything and must accept what the public is willing to pay you. If you don't like that, you can quit and join the public sector. All Government Unions need to be outlawed and banned! They have no right to be unionized because they don't help their employers make a profit, they are total expense. And as any good accountant knows, expenses must always be kept to a minimum if one is to survive. Government Unions were put in place for the sole purpose of buying votes and keeping their benefactors in power at taxpayer expense. That is nothing but extortion. But politicians have done a masterful job of convincing the public it supports the middle class. The fact is, the middle class supports the public unions to the extent it will destroy the middle class. Walker stuck to his guns in the face of massive corrupt opposition. He is the bravest elected official in America today and is to be congratulated on his hard won victory. I have no complaint with private sector unions that compete fairly, but if they need the government to make laws that give them an unfair advantage in the market, they need to be destroyed as well. Elected officials take huge campaign contributions from private unions and then pass laws that benefit them? That is bribery! That's supposed to be illegal, but laws were passed to make it legal. The unions that do this, along with the elected officials that play along, must all be removed from our society if this country is going to thrive.
    1 point
  8. Buffalo time or Albany Time?
    1 point
  9. And poachers still shoot deer with 22's. Dead certainly is dead the only difference is how much time and distance there is between where the animal was shot and where it died. Put a 45 cal rifle through a deers boiler works and it's going down in a hurry; put a 22 in the same spot and it's likely to die someplace else later.
    1 point
  10. Well Said!!! I couldn't agree more defrazzle! I have to agree with most comments that having the youth season so early in October will have little effect on the majority. I would think that the temps of the youth season would allow my daughter to sit with me a lot longer and actually enable her to enjoy the experience. I know for sure that a much later date in the season would be very different. Just my opinion. However, the biggest issue I see is that NYS has a firearm season which takes place during the peak of the rut. I believe that this truly effects the majority of hunters. Most states in the midwest that grow big deer don't have a rifle season peek of the rut. I have to believe that this is the reason why Long Island deer are able to get as big as they do and you hear about big deer taken more often. This, in my opinion, is more of an issue.
    1 point
  11. You know I never heard of the NYB, nor the sling shot hunters, nor the crossbow hunters and all other "non-traditional firearm" hunters. I guess if someone or group wanted to hunt with a spear, like humans used to, some on this board would find some fault with it. Is it really that important that there is an impression that others are encroaching on what some of the writers here feel is their "territory" and "dates"? Maybe it's just me, but whatever "legal tool", a hunter uses is irrelevant to me. Maybe it's because there is some much land where I hunt (120,000+ acres) and it is the rare day when I hear or see another hunter. What I have been reading seems to be more about the issue that the hunting land and opportunity to hunt is very competitive in the writers areas. Hunting is hunting and there was a time when there were no seasons. Left to their own devices, we human beings when pressured to the belief that we are loosing our "personal" hunting space will begin to defend it. The verbal fight can be seen here. Let's keep our hunting traditions alive and not destroy from the inside.
    1 point
  12. Add a bacon candle to the mix.
    1 point
  13. I got the call a little earlier with the owner's counter offer and we accepted it. Now the fun really begins....
    1 point
  14. I have one that its called "The Judge" loaded with PDX1 :-)
    1 point
  15. Ok I was wrong but it is there for the purpose of pictures for the summer to see whats here and will be gone shortly the fact that i used it for pics I guess is bad. I have hunted for many yearsl and have never shot a deer on bait or even a planted food plot mainoly runways going to hay fields or cornfilsds or orchards up here , on our lease it is illegal to bait in hunting season We lease 200 acres betweeen another 800 acres I have permission to Hunt only to keep others out. I guess its obvious I am not a people person and am a bit touchy and for that I appologize but a 20 year military career and 2 tours in nam take its toll along with getting spit at and called names when You come home. Im not looking for sympathy for dam sure but there was no open arms as in other wars and I guess I take that to heart, along with special benefits todays soldiers are given but if it was at our cost I am glad our country learned something . again I apologize to all and will geat rid of the lick that looks like a stump. LOL next pics from there will be clean I assure you..... Vet and I took My Meds and calmed down
    1 point
  16. ...And the Huntingny Bowhunters was born. Who's in?
    1 point
  17. About this time last year we saw the house across the road go on the market. I called my wife and told her. Too bad we can't afford it - 30 acres, beautiful view, barn, borders state land, etc. Well after crunching some numbers, I decided we COULD afford it, so we put our house on the market in hopes of selling ours and buying the one across the street. Late June we received an acceptable offer on our house, so we put in an offer. On July 1st, after going back and forth a couple of times, we received a verbal "yes" from the sellers. My wife and I were watching a movie at the theater at the time, I rushed out to take the call and couldn't wait to tell my wife the good news - we did it, we got our dream house! The next day we went into the real estate office to sign away our home, and sign and sign an official agreement with the sellers. Everyone was to counter sign by The end of Sunday, the 3rd. Instead, we got a call from the sellers saying they wanted their lawyer to look it over, and since Monday was July 4th, they couldn't do that until Tuesday the 5th. OK, I'm a little nervous, but OK. All weekend we celebrated, 4th of July was awesome. The 5th came and it was getting late, I called my agent and said something's wrong. She said she'd call again. Eventually the other agent called her back, but instead of telling her the offer was signed, that agent said the sellers had accepted a different offer! What? We didn't even know there WAS another offer! Worse, our house was sold! We had to hustle to get our lawyer to nix the purchase offer on our house so we'd have a place to live! I have a family, the people buying our house had a family. The sellers of the other house didn't give a XXXX about that, they did what was best for #1. Long story shorter, that deal they accepted in lieu of ours? It fell through! Yep, they paid for their greed. We put our house BACK on the market, sold it again, and while I was in a tree stand hunting, I accepted the offer on our house and the counter offer on the "house across the street" AGAIN (only this time for much less $$$). This time it stuck. I write this from that "house across the street." Beautiful view, 30 acres, barn, pond with fish and all bordering state land. What a ride (I didn't mention the January 13th snow storm on the day we moved UP THE HILL!) but it was worth it. Bottom line, nothing's real until it's CLOSED, and don't trust anyone! Sad state, but that's the way it is out there!! Zhe Wiz
    1 point
  18. vietvet - I enjoyed the picture and thanks for posting it. It's not always the most friendly group you'll ever run into, but I just thought I would let you know that I did appreciate the picture.
    1 point
  19. Over 20 years ago. My wife took me to look at a home. We had been looking for a couple of years for a house. We drove in to the drive way of this house on a beautiful peak foliage fall day. You could see 7 different mountain peaks from the house. I was so angry at my wife at the time because it was everything I had ever wanted in a home. Beautiful property, I can walk for miles from the house to hunt etc. It made me ill that I didn't think we could afford it. We did not make an offer. Long story short we could afford it and I was just being super conservative. We were very fortunate and ended up buying the house. In about 4 years it will be paid for and it brings us tremendous joy. We were very lucky.
    1 point
  20. Yes I have fished there many times and have taken a lot of nice rainbows there. All the fish that I catch are all C/R .no matter were on I river I am fishing, that way I can go back another day and catch them again.
    1 point
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