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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/12 in Posts

  1. Between u and me, I have pudding wrestlin' matches every Friday and ur more than welcome to join, but they must end sharply @ 5pm ( that's when my auto feeders start dumping corn and I don't like to disturb my property) so we usually just head inside and watch re runs of spirit of the wild for a few hours. If uncle ted isn't on we hop on the atv's ( but horses are welcome to join ) and we go play the p.s. game. That's where we ride around ( typically drunk or on bath salts, or even both if ur into that ) and whoever ends up with the most posted signs bearing different land owners names wins a salt lick, a rusted 3 blade rage, a spotlight, some c'mere deer and a 6 pack of Schlitz . Just rsvp as soon as u can so I can make enough tofurkey burgers. Just don't go telling everybody !
    2 points
  2. Wait, I checked the handbook...... apparently the reason for using jello is to distinguish if someone pooped or not.... apparently jello / pudding wrestling can do bad things to the bowels and to keep it a sterile and safe environment jello is mandatory to make sure nobody blows mud in the ring. Sorry bro, my uncles brothers sisters step sons twin sisters aunts uncles cousin works for the d.e.c. and confirmed. No pudding aloud.
    2 points
  3. You can all KMA. Happy Sunday. <grin> .
    1 point
  4. You keep going back to this no laws, anarchy thing but no one is debating that laws are essential. We are a nation that was built on the rule of law. My point was that collectivism, which is what you are advocating for, is diametrically opposed to freedom, liberty, and why our constitution is different from every other nations constitution. Our constitution provides individuals to reach their full potential in an atmosphere of maximum opportunity. The majority benifit concept sounds great in theory but for every INDIVIDUAL freedom you give up in the name of security or economic good or socail progress is another step towards tyranny.
    1 point
  5. Never left the smooth bore... shooting the same shotgun for 40 years... don't fix what ain't broken.
    1 point
  6. apparently being a moderator is like being an instructor. Everyone tells you what you should say and think.
    1 point
  7. Ok, both you and Paula are absolutely correct. I stand corrected. However, I do hope that people will understand when I respond to being misquoted. I can't allow that to stand. I choose my words carefully, and I mean exactly what I say. And I must say that I will not get bulldozed by a moderator or anyone else, but I will try to modify my responses so as not to get dragged down to that level. I'm not sure that I will always succeed because there are always those that tend to bait for those kinds of responses and I can only put up with so much of that kind of crap before I respond in kind ..... but what the heck, I definitely will try.
    1 point
  8. I didn't say you started it and of course you should be able to participate, but you made a comment about insults and you had done the same thing in that sentence. I am singling you out because you don't know how to end it like other MODERATORS do and i will never KYA or anyone's. Yes Doc is just as bad as you, what makes him bad is he turns into a wounded soul or something.
    1 point
  9. You throw insults also, other do as well. Being a moderator i think you shouldn't, my opinion. Its one thing for everyone to disagree with others opinions but why does it have to get personal and go to name calling?
    1 point
  10. I disagree. The most successful photographer isn't the best photography...just the one that advertise themselves the best and establishes connections. Unfortunately, doing so sort of takes away the fun away from it. A friend of mine use to work as a photo editor at amNY asked me to take some pictures for a weekly neighborhood profile assignment and he was short that week. So I went. Talk to a few people, took pictures, had them published in the paper. He paid me $150 free lance fee for the work but I told I didn't do it for the money and I did it more for the experience so we spend that $150 on a night out at the bar. I learned that day that the business aspects of it makes it unenjoyable. I rather take landscape shot where there's no one rushing me, I don't have to deal with anyone, etc. My friend took a position in Saudi Arabia shortly right after so unless I want to fly out to the middle east, no more assignments for me. In any event. My opinion is that my best work (and from what I can see, your work as well) matches that of a professional. The only difference for me is that I can't gaurantee the shot and do get enough of them. In a baseball analogy, my home runs travel just as far as a professionals. The difference is that the professional just hits it that far more often.
    1 point
  11. Scouts motto - be prepared. Empty the mag and then get stuck in the woods over night or maybe even a few days and I'd want enough ammo for any emegency. Or wound an animal when you empty the mag and then what?
    1 point
  12. It's all about the post/like ratio.
    1 point
  13. That's a pretty good burst of bone with some time left on the clock for growth. They will start plaining out shortly.
    1 point
  14. How dare u point your multi jointed finger at us jello loving freaks. We have the right, as tax paying citizens to use whatever products we want when it comes to peace making activitys. If we decide to solve our problems with jello involved festivitys than by golly we shall, and no man, or girly man, or woman, or manly woman shall stop us ! You should be ashamed at your hateful remarks !!!! But i will be the bigger man and agree to a compromise, yes I said it, compromise ! Because iiiiiiiii am open minded, unlike u sir, I will try a change to our age old tradition of jello and use a pudding flavored jello, u know what ?!? Ill even accept a jello flavored pudding ! Now u my friend must open your mind and join us in our movement !
    1 point
  15. I hate jello, i don't know why you jack weeds don't just use pudding instead. Only an idiot would use jello. Bunch of commie lib, union tree huggin, blaze orange wearin' jello suckin' pantie weights..
    1 point
  16. So to join back in on the antagonizing... like the one leg shorter flat lander that i am.... I'm still interested in going to this bitch slapping, jello tossing event @ cwhite's... but before i come I want a guarantee there are no posted signs on his property.... I would hate to have someone search my last 56678 posts to find that i had said I hated tresspassers and call me out on it....I can't believe this is still going ! On another note, do u guys thinks its better to not shoot young bucks....... or always hold off for the mature bucks ? Expandables.... or fixed ? Baiting..... or no baiting ? Obama...... should get re-elected ? Matthews...... or whatever you shoot ? Tresspass...... or obey a sign ? And finally ---------- the main event...... que music BUBBAAAAAAAAA OR DOEEEEEEEEEEE I know lawdawz is with me on this one
    1 point
  17. Which is why I'd put the door up myself in 30 min and they can go blow the rat up outside and bitch.
    1 point
  18. Is that why you keep checking Paula's profile ?
    1 point
  19. Do I have permission to use a picture as my desktop background ?
    1 point
  20. Born and raised in Queens. Can't wait to find work and live up north. Hassle, superfast lifestyle. I want to have a cup of coffee or beer and watch the sunset each afternoon instead of a brick wall through my window someday.
    1 point
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