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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/24 in Posts

  1. Found these today all in one area. Must be one of the big guys making these rubs on the big trees.
    3 points
  2. With a rifle a neck shot always drops em on the spot. The shocking power right around the spine and brain are devastating. I wouldn't with a bow because unless you sever the spine or main arteries you have a wounded deer. I've seen 3 deer in my time walking around with arrows in their necks
    2 points
  3. They've worked their way out from the thicker areas along the hedge rows and outer woods areas here too. I always consider it a magical time of the year.
    2 points
  4. Quartering towards me, with gun. Dropped and didnt even twitch Would never ever try with bow or xbow
    2 points
  5. Up and in for the first time this year. My first year bee keeping has taken a lot of my time, attention, and energy. After getting them mostly winterized today I figured I would treat myself to a the last 1 1/2 of this really pretty afternoon. There are 5 scrapes on the logging road I take to my stand. All of them within about 60 yards of the stand, but not where I can shoot. I definitely can see anything that heads that way though, so might provide a sighting at least. Good luck to you all this season! NYH
    1 point
  6. We have recovered neck shot deer with a bow. We don't practice it, but it does happen. In all instances, a main artery was severed. Only once in 30 some years I seen an arrow sticking through the neck with the deer walking around. Early firearm season, it was put in the freezer.
    1 point
  7. Neck shots can be very decieving as far as placement, much more so than the good old boiler maker shot that gives actually quite a large margin of error. I have made them plenty of times with a rifle, but only from a steady rest...and I myself prefer to take only the back of the neck, base of the head from behind, obviously. Not a good shot at all for a bow. At the same time, I have seen quite a few deer where neck shots missed the bone, and after initially dropping the deer from the shot, they get back up and run. Generally with a bow, few folks go for a "bone" shot, leaving the narrow window for the jugular/etc. which is very easy to miss if you really dont know your anatomy. A shot not taken is never to be regreted. Dont pressure yourself into thinking you should have taken it. There is never wrong in not taking a shot.
    1 point
  8. Female of the Alpha pair we took out yesterday at 160+ yards. SJC
    1 point
  9. My daughter's front yard in Irondequoit
    1 point
  10. 1 point
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