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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/25 in all areas

  1. I checked on my bee colonies a couple days ago. The winter weather has been brutal this year, and it’s my first winter keeping bees. My fingers have remained crossed every day since I started this adventure. There is a tremendous amount of information to learn, and then try to apply to be successful. One colony I obtained in October as a cut out from a barn with my mentor, despite my best efforts, did not make it all the way through winter. The other four hives, when I knock on the sides with my ear to the walls, have a lot of buzzing. I’ll be extremely happy if my four colonies get through the year. Spring can’t come soon enough for me and my bees!
    4 points
  2. Something like that sounds more like grocery shopping and not hunting therefore it's not for me. As frustrating as a long season can be without taking a deer I still would not use something like that just to say I killed a deer.
    2 points
  3. A good old fashioned winter, incessant snow and cold every day it seems, a lot of shoveling, blowing and plowing, I am getting worn out! Al
    1 point
  4. No doubt. Single digits and winds at 20 to 40 again for the 2nd day in a row. It does look like 30’s maybe 40’s next week. Let’s Hope!!
    1 point
  5. It's 10 degrees here in Ontario with a real feel of minus 4 degrees . You can have this weather !
    1 point
  6. Happy birthday belated! : )
    1 point
  7. lol. That’s the one I’m leaning towards!
    1 point
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