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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/25 in Posts

  1. I was amused when I saw Chef posting here. He was one of the pecker rats busting on me for posting here. Said that because I was not a NYS resident, I did not belong here. Told him to kma and asked him if his mother had any kids that lived. Probably ruffled his panties.
    2 points
  2. chef said - Shockingly enough I'm not banned Over there.... I have contemplated going buck wild in the chuckle until Eddie has enough and kicks me out. Well this is it and I am granting chef his wish and banning his sorry whiney ass . There are a lot of great members on the other site and also several misfits that are still crying and want to see huntingny Go down . So long chef !
    2 points
  3. Lee has come out with a low priced kit that will load quality ammo for a very reasonable price of $100, it contains all that is needed to load a specific cartridge. Something to think about if you are on the fence about reloading and think you may want to give it a try. Al
    1 point
  4. So, a member gets banned for saying something on a different site? Seems the member that went on the other site to copy and paste it here has some serious issues.
    1 point
  5. Some good and bad here, there, everywhere. Why does it need to be us vs them? And why do some act like children. C'mon man.......grow up.
    1 point
  6. Do I wish this site will stay around for a long time, yes. But to tell you the truth why do we join sites like this? To share our experience and to gain knowledge. I'm not saying I'm leaving but the members have dwindled to a few, I don't mind that, but It's not going much further than that. It won't survive with what we have here. I'm not leaving but it is on the back of my mind. I lived a slow death of the internet putting publishing magazines out of business. That is what is happening here. A long slow death. It was great at times but now pretty much stagnate. Just being totally honest.
    1 point
  7. If everyone on here agreed wiTh everyone , it would be Quite boring .
    1 point
  8. Before getting your feet wet in reloading , get a good book ( Lyman , etc ) and read it a couple times . Safety First ! Experiment with loads to find out what your rifle likes .
    1 point
  9. I thought it was some 2nd grader posing as you and deleted the posts . if this is chef , you must really miss us . Now I have to figure out who the 7 year old poser is ...............and see if he or she reports back to another site .
    1 point
  10. I have thought about an outdoor shooting shed that could be mostly closed up with only a small shooting port, and a small heater inside for winter use. I would have removable side panels with bug screening when the panels are removed for spring and summer shooting. Room enough for at least two shooters. A roof overhang to protect the gun barrel from rain or snow. I would do whatever possible to keep the weather out even in a driving wind. There would be a wide bench for accessories (bullets spotting scope, and whatever else might be there. Enough room to lean gun cases and other paraphernalia against the back wall. If the shed does not wind up too heavy, I might consider some bicycle tires to make it mobile and some ATV hitches front and back so I could pull it around to vary the shooting distances. I'll bet I'm not thinking of everything. The reason I posted this is because I am planning a construction of a such a "shooting shed" next summer and I'm looking for ideas. I don't want it to be finished and then have to say, "Gee, I wish I had done this or that. It is a one-shot deal.
    1 point
  11. It may be dead to you Porky but it is just fine for those of us that stayed, go troll with your filth somewhere else! Al
    1 point
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