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  1. We put another (third) box blind on the new property in the area we call “The Hole” its the farthest tip of the property. It’s a giant bowl. Simply beautiful area. I have 3 more to put up…just trying to strategize where to put them. Probably won’t put the others in until next year. We will see.
    5 points
  2. Some nice 8 pts but loved this picture of the triplets!
    4 points
  3. Just get the form for being disabled and have your doctor sign it. I hear an ingrown toenail is sufficient to get the slip to use the crossbow all during the archery season.
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Now I do not see this in any way as some sort of drinking while shooting problem, what I see is a victory swig out of a bottle of beer after making a fantastic shot knocking off the cap. Al
    2 points
  6. We only us clear water and have good results. I think the most important thing is to get the feeders out early(weather permitting). I think we had ours out towards the end of the first week in May this year and we have had birds all summer long. Once they find them they will keep coming back as long as the feeders are maintained. My wife starts watching the migration map about mid April waiting for them to come back. https://www.hummingbirdcentral.com/hummingbird-migration-spring-2023-map-animation-video.htm She has way to much time on her hands.
    2 points
  7. From what you listed was planted my best guess, it is rye grass. Al
    1 point
  8. Could be. The seed could have already been in the soil and grew when cultivated too.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. I understand completely.
    1 point
  11. Check out the Binghamton Craigslist, also a Flail mower with hammer blades is a solid option. https://binghamton.craigslist.org/search/sss?query=brush hog#search=1~gallery~0~0
    1 point
  12. So today I got out the 6.5 PRC Winchester Model 70 and the Howa Super Light 6.5 Creedmoor for sighting and ammo testing. At the end of last year's hunting season I changed the scopes out on both rifles. I went with a little more power on the Winchester mounting a Burris 4.5x14 Timberline, the Super Light Howa got the same power scope but a different model, a HD 1X5 Leupold replaced a Leupold Vari X 3 1X5. I also went with a different set of mounts on the Howa using a Tally setup. Things did not go as I had hoped, the Howa with the factory base and Millet rings shot great for me last year. The new setup presented me a problem, the HD Leupold ran out of vertical adjustment printing my groups about 4 inches high at 75 yards, I was not happy. I had two choices, go back to the original scope mounts or try to shim the rear scope ring enough to bring the point of aim down where it belonged. I chose the latter and I shimmed the scope with some scope shimming material which consisted of very thin adhesive backed aluminum foil cut to fit inside the ring. I have yet to test it out as I did not get at it right away but it should solve the problem, I aint got to go down much. I had the Winchester to test out with some handloads loaded with 120 gr Barnes, to be honest they did not group quite as good as I had hoped. The speed was right on the money, a little over 3200 FPS out of a 24 inch barrel, they were advertised to be in the 3300 FPS area out of a 26 inch Barrel. I am going to play around with the overall length and see if I can get things tightened up. I have a couple of more loads to try out if these do not do what I want. This is the kind of stuff that makes things interesting and gives great satisfaction if the problems can be ironed out. Al
    1 point
  13. I think that is the point of the whole video.
    1 point
  14. True, it's not a given. My Doc hunts and actually been to my place and neighbors. Yes I would love to hunt all season with xbow but I would miss the compound. Think I'l wait until next year and make it my own decision.
    1 point
  15. I have seen a bunch of her videos. Super impressive.
    1 point
  16. The Square Deal was mostly about Consumer Protection and Natural resource Conservation, which has nothing to do with Wokeism/Anti Americanism promoted by the Left today,
    1 point
  17. Isn’t special archery the crossbow season anyway ?
    1 point
  18. I was wondering the same thing .... Special Archery Season ???
    1 point
  19. Forgot to say on another camera we had a bear open up camera. It was open when we got the card. Looking at the piucts he was pissing around with camera and managed to get it open! All the picts where close ups of black fur!
    1 point
  20. This Mus is the BOME, Bane Of My Existence. It knows exactly where I can't shoot and when going through a red zone it doesn't stop. One Day ! SJC
    1 point
  21. Pretty good turn out from what I could see today. Lots of people. Hand to hunt for a place to park when I first got there. All building were full with suppliers and there were plenty of tailgater's . Good selection of lures, baits, and other supplies Happy to see there is still enough interest to gather a crowd. Best part was there seemed to be a good number of young people there also. "Trapping" ......A national Heritage
    1 point
  22. You'll get one in close enough. When you do, it will be toast.
    1 point
  23. Two's company, three's a crowd. Rare to get triplets on one picture
    1 point
  24. Has to be a chore to bring up three, and they look nice and healthy. Al
    1 point
  25. We're getting ready for the antlers less season in just a couple weeks in the Lake Plains area. Finish mowing around the woods scrape areas. Stands have been simmering for quite some time now. Bows practice in hand License in pocket. Something about a new deer season that gets the blood boiling.
    1 point
  26. I am not there yet, have changed some scopes and have to resight some rifles and test handloads, should be ready by opening day. Al
    1 point
  27. Posting again rotate left! lol
    1 point
  28. Love this time of year. Finding two or three of the top in my areas and be on a mission for nothing less. It’s all about the challenge for me.
    1 point
  29. Exactly, and guess who they vote for! Al
    0 points
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