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Everything posted by skyhunter

  1. nice looking young buck. keep an eye on him.
  2. very nice tall rack. great catches!
  3. checked the S600 homebrew cam monday placed on one of my water sets, and there wasn't much on it except for this early bird catching the grub.
  4. looks lush; good job. should draw em.
  5. almost any wild animal can do harm. it's a tough world out there and only the very tough survive. a turkey is a big strong bird. glad your decision came out ok.
  6. your question: "stupid" ? no, but could be ignorrant of what is possible when you work very hard at something. Like hunting trailcaming to a high level involves lots of scouting and looking for where the animals are. Not places where travel is random, but locating places where animal travel is routine.I spend hours looking for these spots and when you place a cam there you will normally get lots of pictures of animals in their routines. I concentrate my efforts around water sources where animals make a habit of being there. Placing a camera just off the bank of these water sources like I did in this post will result in lots of pictures of bucks that look like their "posing for the camera" as you mentioned. here are some examples of that and other pics that I have gotten around water:
  7. the latest pull from a new set: (Bushnell Trophy cam)
  8. thanks all. yes, "homebrews" are trailcams made from digital cameras which are "hacked" and wired to a control board / motion sensor and then the works are inside a weather resistant case. They do tend to make a trailcamer look good.good eye Cynthia. yes that heron has some green on the left leg that resembles a wrap. don't know if it has an injury of some kind, picked up some vege, or maybe saw a trainer and the wrap then turned green.
  9. I collected these a few weeks ago with "homebrew" trailcams.
  10. am I missing something here. "little buck"? I can't tell. cute little animal regardless of the sex, and congrats on a very nice catch!
  11. yes the latest antler growth appears to be random and who knows how this buck will turn out. looks like a dandy of an animal regardless. hope to see more of the progression. keep us posted, thanks.
  12. Did I read that correctly? 1st, you call others differing opinion "mindless". next you ask for documentation of sane hunters?
  13. Thousands of sane hunters share the view that the NYB have elitism at their very core. For you to call those having this opinion "mindless" exposes the fact that this obvious truth has caused you to lose your head over this issue. Now one could also say that one resorting to such a desparate action in a simple debate is indeed "mindless".
  14. I live to bowhunt. I have bowhunted all over the country and have lived and bowhunted New York state for 30 years; nothern and southern zone. As far as the NYB goes, they can take their elitist ideology and shove it up their elitist rear end!
  15. caught these late May early June:
  16. establish a doe route and wait till Novenmber.
  17. yep, nice catch on the little one
  18. Oct 1st start is long overdue. Most other nothern states have had this for years. I don't plan my hunts based on weather as I have commonly seen 40 degree temps in Sept and 80 degree in Nov. Bucks are more predictable early and anyone that lets bugs bother them is technology challenged.
  19. the 1st pic was fine, but now the 2nd? well that's just blatant thread hijacking and very uncalled for.
  20. yep, last year with the coon looking in the direction of the "craft".the only explanation I have is that either racoons are their favorite abducties, or maybe the coons are the aliens "masking" their true appearance while they spy on the earthlings.
  21. another flying saucer almost went undetected.
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