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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by skyhunter

  1. I guess that all means that content of the post was not a factor. wouldn't that also mean that a guy could have: 1) made his 1st and only post on this forum on that thread, 2) put up a picture, 3) wrote " got em ", and 4) won 1st prize?
  2. still not sure what I saw in that. are you saying the winners were picked randomly and the content of all the posts entered were not a factor in the outcome?
  3. not sure I understand how the winners were selected. this post was titled "contest drawing". Were the winners picked here at random or based on the content of their post? could someone clarify this for me? BTW, congrats to Growalot.
  4. it's certainly not something you have to deal with. there is an easy solution to this problem that doesn't involve any messy lubes. yes, the friction from the arrow shaft is what causes the problem, however if the arrow point has a parabolic shape then only a small fraction of the point and shaft is in contact with the 3D target when you are pulling the arrow out. so try a parabolic target point. Saunders has them and they work great. make sure to pull your arrows straight out and not pull sideways or up or down.
  5. Jonse rhymes with Fonzie; think it should of rhymed with bones.
  6. Wow, I just got surprised 2X by bowhunting TV shows that were actually good. For a while there I was turning the channel and just not even checking in anymore after seeing the same ole "he's a pig" / "put the smackdown on em" knuckle draggers beating the Waddell act to death. There was 1 show however that I could always watch named Heartland Bowhunter. This was the 1st of it's kind and featured a classy cast of hunters with music and photography well placed throughout the production. Yesterday, I saw more of the same with "Midwest Whitetail" and today with "Backcountry Quest". " B Quest " was especially good where the Keefer brothers were hunting Illinois. Music was very cool and not the hard banging stuff you often hear on other shows. They also had cameras in places other than the sets, where you could see a perspective from the ground where the treestand hunter and prey were seen from the ground level. That's a 1st for me and it was very well done. Overall this was a top notch production and I sure will check the guide to see when I can enjoy more of the same high quality and high class bowhunting adventures. All in all looks like there is some hope for TV hunting shows after all.
  7. played with this one I got a while back. you can click on it.
  8. also a roundup of pics from the last 2 months: the skinny buck near the end I call "birdlegs". you can click on these pictures to enlarge them.
  9. these were captured with homebrew trailcams in the last month and a half.
  10. yep, that young buck has some space on those long beams and is growing a 5th point on the right side.
  11. that 3rd buck sure has a lot of points coming out. nice
  12. The most common steroid prescribed is Prednisone. the day after day dosage will be according to the patients size and weight and the severity of the allergic reaction. It works the same day it is taken and will drastically reduce the hot and itchy feeling of the allergy. The allergic reaction will dissipate within a few days while you continue to take the oral steroids, and there is also a shot administered for more severe cases. Over the counter I have found the Aveeno oatmeal bath pack to work ok and the Aveeno cream for external relief. With that said over the counter stuff does little to help some people as everybody reacts differently to this allergy. After suffering from contact dermatitis for more than 20 years I have found a new treatment that works when you have a small exposure and this will also keep your reaction to the allergy from escalating into a more severe episode. I do what "they" tell you not to do and it works great. I attack the young blister before it gets big. While "they" say don't scratch, I take 2 fingernails and squeeze the young blister creating a small wound. The wound then heals up before the blister has a chance to mature. I have found the natural healing process of the body overpowers the allergic reaction. Basically I am killing the allergic reaction before it has a chance to multiply. I have had great success with my home attack remedy for almost 10 years now. Today, I don't fear being exposed to P.I. like I used to, for now I have a way to nip it in the bud before it gets away from me. "They" want you to buy hydrocortisone and calamine products that do very little. "They" are also in cahoots with the companies that produce these products. "They" want you to buy their cure. So try a little fingernail squeeze the next time you see a little sign, and see if it doesn't work for you.
  13. speed is a common selling point for manufacturers targeting ignorant entry level shooters. While it is also fairly common with compounds it is overly done with crossbows. Why?; because most gun hunters looking to make the move to a crossbow know very little about archery and they can be lead to believe that faster is always better. Not actually true though. One manufacturer goes as far as stating how much speed each dollar that you spend gets you; then comparing that number to other manufacturers. this is pure BS. For hunting purposes there are many variables that factor into what is the ideal setup for a given situation or species of game. I recall a guy from Florida that bowhunted with my Missouri buddy and he flung X cutters at bucks. Talk about a bad hunting choice. Yea, those 3D arrows flew fast but they are extremely weak on impact and the large diameter combined with very light weight will also be greatly affected by wind drift. Yea, they're fast but have a large potential to be very inaccurate in the field. Faster arrows are usually lighter and these will also penetrate less when coming in contact with bone. I have busted through some ribs on both sides and also had arrows deflect of both shoulder bone and spinal column resulting in kills. My choice in arrow shaft is the 18/64th inch diameter Eastons in 340 flex, which the chart says is overspined for my 60lb Bowtech Invasion. Overspined arrow doesn't totally compute in my book; underspined, weak, and light certainly does though. My total arrow weight is 405 which I feel gives me the best of both worlds for my setup; decent speed with moderate mass. When I went after Bull Elk I bumped it up to 440 and took a nice P+Y bull with that setup. That arrow flew slower but hit a little harder and that was what concerned me on that particular hunt. Shoot whatever turns you on. While the differences will be fractional at most bowhunting distances, it is a fact that all sports are a game where fractions of inches are the difference between success and failure. Arrow speed is only one variable that factors into killing game animals. Others are equally important. Hunters that put all their eggs in the speed basket will certainly experience negatives associated with their neglect of these other variables.
  14. travel is a major factor when choosing where to hunt.
  15. big boys; super catches.
  16. good looking young bear with potential.
  17. thanks for the compliment and now that you point it out there is a nice red spot on the does face. I don't think we're talking about the spot on the nose, but a red spot that is centered on the does face just below the centerline of the eyes. I zoomed in on the picture and yes that does indeed look like a red tick right there. very good eye and thanks for pointing that out.
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