How hard was it to clean? I seen on a cooking show a place that offered the heads, I read up on it since I had ordered a pig. Lots of cleaning of teeth, ears and nostrils I think. Eww.
Did you eat an eye, I think they said they are creamy like.
He is cute and sounds like he is going to be big. Just knowing a dog has pit scares me. I know it shouldn't, my boyfriend's dog is pit mixed and I love him to death but he still makes me nervous. This is Elvis
Eggplant was shit! Had to throw it out. Mine was much much better than my friends. I bought these thinking I could put in oven, but nope they had to be fried. I put pepper jack on it
Wyoming county NY. I shot a doe. The guy I was with wanted to give up on finding her and I just couldn't. I literally was crawling through some dense shit. I heard her death thrashing and it scares the hell out of me, thought something was going to get me. Lol