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Gobbler Chaser

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Gobbler Chaser last won the day on September 20 2024

Gobbler Chaser had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Hunting Location
    Orange County
  • Hunting Gun
    Rem 700
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Thanks for reminding me. I certainly will and it won't be for the bloated senile orange clown
  2. You better believe I'm voting and already got er done
  3. I just started. The lighted nocks on the Excalibur Quills are straightforward. Easy to shut off and so far have proven durable and bright. I think they give you an advantage
  4. Like they say, does are the best bait
  5. The only 2 things that breaks the routine of smart never seen big bucks is the rut and the first few days of rifle season. For me it has always been the last week of southern zone bow season when the rut really peaks and then opening day rifle when the orange army takes to the woods stirring up big bucks and making them move.
  6. Sometimes I feel the suckers are taunting us
  7. Yup, just saw my first couple yesterday.
  8. With a rifle a neck shot always drops em on the spot. The shocking power right around the spine and brain are devastating. I wouldn't with a bow because unless you sever the spine or main arteries you have a wounded deer. I've seen 3 deer in my time walking around with arrows in their necks
  9. I'll be cleaning the leaves outta my gutters about every week till they're down on my two story house without a lifeline. So no I don't use one in a 18 ft ladder stand
  10. Those had radio active foam in them which caused anal cancers
  11. I noticed this site is taking a long time to load lately. A lot more ad cramming too.
  12. I like to wear these when in the stand to hide my eyes
  13. I bought my safe in 2001 and moved it into my home and we moved a year later. I found even though it's a pia I remove the door so it gives you a grip area. 800 lbs is no joke going up n down staircases
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