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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. Here is a study from June 2021 again stating the benefits. They also state good things about the vaccine but also tout ivermectin as a bridge. I am in no way giving medical advice just stating a healthcare system that is ranked 10 Japan compared to 37 America is using this treatment in areas. And studies are still showing promise for places where vaccines are not available and it should also hold true for the vaccine hesitant. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41429-021-00430-5
  2. Yes that is one of it’s uses. It has also been used for many other types on mammals, human being included for multiple diseases in the past.
  3. Found this article on ivermectin that I thought some here may enjoy. Some background on source 42.778 impact factor and this same source has been highly regarded by others on the other side of the argument. Note the date in the article it is from June 2020 before covid was nearly this politicized. I wish I could read foreign languages as ivermectin seem to be a treatment gaining in usage in other parts of the world. one being Japan with a high healthcare rating. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41429-020-0336-z
  4. As I continue to try and have a conversation with you. You have done nothing more than insult my intelligence even after you mistakenly called me a racist. You have moved the talking points, refuse to answer questions or provide data on asked questions, gaslite me and call out my data with provided links with no data and the same nonsensical reply. Please back off the emotions and if you can refute what I am saying please do with facts and data going forward and not name calling and insults.
  5. You continue to move the talking points you said not getting vaccinated now it is the pandemic.
  6. There is a saying “the problem with freedom is your neighbor also has it”. As Americans we have long been doing stuff that is detrimental to society. People choice in diet, tobacco usage, alcohol consumption, drug usage, not taking flu shots, driving habits and etc. Why do you feel this is so much different? As to the supporting the Chinese government comment I do not see how me not taking a vaccine with 0% liability to the manufacturer or the advertiser helps them.
  7. Take some time to reread this thread and see how one could come to a different conclusion. People have been excited to lock people in camps and for people to lose their jobs stop gaslighting.
  8. There maybe one that was worse but look at the accuracy in the link I have provided or do your own research it is truly 80% reliable.
  9. It seems as you have missed the entire point of my comment. Being excited to lock someone in a camp or for someone to lose their job due to a difference in opinion is the part that is not civil conversation/debate and is ill will to another member.
  10. If you consider 80% reliability to be good enough than you can consider me uniformed. I would say they are not reliable enough to come to further conclusion like the ones quoted here on either side of the argument. May your day be as pleasant as your reply’s have been lately. https://www.cap.org/member-resources/articles/how-good-are-covid-19-sars-cov-2-diagnostic-pcr-tests
  11. I agree that no one should wish ill on another. Like being excited to lock people that don’t agree to their opinions in camps or hoping someone loses their job for having a opinion that differs from theirs. That is for crazy people wrapped up in their own emotions. You are correct it truly does kill civil conversation and debate.
  12. Honestly not sure what you are trying to say here. Also did you find any facts for my questions yesterday.
  13. Does anyone have proof of how the participants covid status where determined? If this data is only from the PCR tests and not antibodies testing than the studies are junk as we now know the PCR test to not be reliable. If it is all garbage data in than it will all be garbage data out.
  14. When trying to find more information on the Israel data. I came across this. Mediabiasfactcheck shows it to be a reliable and factual news publication. After reading of the high vaccination rates across all age groups, I am not sure how this could be. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israel-leads-world-in-rolling-average-of-new-daily-infections-per-capita-study/
  15. Never mind the 5/7 and 6/7 not making sense but do you know why the partially vaccinated are having less case count from 16-59 age groups than the fully vaccinated? Even in the age groups 60-90+ there is little difference between partially and fully vaccinated. Do you know what is being considered fully vaccinated in regards to the information 2 or 3 shots as 3 is now considered fully vaccinated in Israel? Honest questions as I may have missed this info in the article or am I not reading this data incorrectly?
  16. As far as Taco Bell goes get the app so you can customize your $5 box meal it’s awesome. Lots of menu options and .20 cents more for a large drink f yeah.
  17. For anyone in the armed forces or knows anyone in the armed forces that maybe vaccine hesitant and has had covid. Under exemptions on page 6 natural immunity is listed as one of the exemptions. https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/r40_562.pdf
  18. I completely agree comparing 3rd world countries to our health system is a faulty comparison. I saw your sarcasm and offered you a better comparison of a higher rated health system and what they are finding which I hope you do take the time to look into.
  19. I understand your reply’s are sarcasm but why not look to Japan with a healthcare system rated almost 4x better than ours. What they are finding is contaminated Moderna vaccines and using ivermectin.
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