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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. I appreciate your reply and the information from your friend. The marketing of the covid treatment has been terrible from the start not only from Biden but also from Trump as it has been politicized . But the biggest issues is the marketing from people that should have known better from the start and have ruined their credibility ( Dr Fauci etc). As these same people cancelled the people who where being honest. I believe this is a major cause of hesitation from people like myself. But I still believe this seems like a new loose definition of a vaccine that is more of a pre treatment or per therapeutic with the low efficiency and the 6 month subscription and I am looking foreword to a breakdown of the FDA’s definition from someone in this Iine of work. As I have always tried to lean on those more informed on any subject that has my interest the same as when I joined this forum. But at the same time the saying is true screw me once shame on you screw me twice shame on me so I remain hesitant. I can send you studies of those with consistent hesitancy the highest number are those with a PHD “way more educated then myself”.
  2. Did hitler not seize the guns from the people after he was voted into power or was that only from the people of nations he conquered? It’s in the bill of rights so yes here in America it does.
  3. Honestly how loose is the FDA’s definition of a vaccine if you need a booster every 6 months and it doesn’t stop you from contracting and spreading the disease. What efficiency numbers are acceptable? It seems as if this is a new screwed up new definition of a vaccine at best. Anyone with a link to the FDA’s definition of a vaccine.@Biz-R-OWorld does this make any sense to your brother. @knehrke you seem to be very informative on this subject any insight on the history of the FDA’s definition of vaccine.
  4. With me hunting NY and OH something in 350 legend or .44 magnum.
  5. I get quite a few down here in Ohio, my thought was maybe it is caused by being damaged in velvet. I have lots of fields and thick scrub around me. But my theory may be way off. The one 6 I shot I think looked like velvet damage.
  6. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pentagon-thousands-isis-prisoners-released-taliban.amp Thousands of isis prisoners released after taliban take over of Bagram..
  7. Yesterday was the deadliest day in Afghanistan since 2011. This is on Biden and Biden voters for his disastrous pullout of Afghanistan. You saying that POS will be remembered as a hero yesterday as 13 servicemen lost their life and more were injured due to his incompetence is pitiful.
  8. https://chicago.suntimes.com/city-hall/2021/8/25/22641495/chicago-coronavirus-vaccine-mandate-october-15-city-employees-police-unions-lightfoot-catanzara Looks like Chicago is going to get worst as the police stay home if vaccinations are pushed on them.
  9. Maybe DeSantis can be VP than as Harris dropped out before California do to polls showing she had little support in California. Who do you see as the Democratic front runner for 2024?
  10. https://www.npr.org/2021/08/26/1031244804/kabul-airport-explosion-afghanistan
  11. Here are some more definition changes that are relevant. https://undercurrents723949620.wordpress.com/2021/03/22/the-definition-of-pandemic-has-been-altered/
  12. One has liability for Pfizer one does not. It is a honest question as I am sure neither one of us knows the exact formula for either one. It would have been simpler for you just said you didn’t know. You can keep saying the vaccine anyone could get tomorrow is fda approved which is BS. Also the covid vaccines have had a advertisement campaign like no other drug you know the one payed for with tax dollars.
  13. Again when will the FDA approved Pfizer Comirnaty be available not the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine that seems to still under EUA that Pfizer has no liability for? Biden and the media are playing word games ( Lies ) until Comirnaty is the only variation available which will be when?
  14. What definition of heard immunity are we talking about the one from June 2020 or after the WHO changed it in November 2020. It seems to be the one from November 2020 after the definition had been changed to fit the narrative not the one used in the past.
  15. Is any of the Pfizer comirnaty that is FDA approved available or just the Pfizer–BioNTech that it seems is still only under the emergency use authorization and has the liability shield. With Pfizer–BioNTech getting the the expiration dates push back It seems like there is a good amount stock of the Pfizer–BioNTech.
  16. I am waiting on the charges for the 1000ish people that wrote affidavits that say they witnessed fraud In the election. Don’t think that is going to happen as discovery does not work in ones favor if they have something to hide.
  17. So Biden removes trumps sanctions on the nord stream 2 and than reapplied the nord steam 2 sanction for something that happened before Biden removed the sanction. Some people are just paying attention not swallowing anyone’s load but you do you.
  18. https://www.state.gov/fact-sheet-united-states-imposes-additional-costs-on-russia-for-the-poisoning-of-aleksey-navalny/ Looks to be new and pending applications for import.
  19. So Biden is flying illegal immigrants in to towns around America for free. As American citizens stuck in afganastan will be charged 2000 for a flight out of his mess. That only if they can make it to the airport on their own because unlike the British who are going out and getting their people America has abandoned theirs. Sad https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/afghanistan/2021/08/19/as-us-military-sticks-to-airport-british-and-french-forces-are-rescuing-their-citizens-in-kabul-reports/
  20. Freightliner/semi parts most electronic parts and some run of the mill parts are 6 week back ordered. This is causing more and more issues as dealers and repair shops parking lots are full of trucks waiting on sensors and small parts. These trucks are not moving the day to day goods and causing more shortages of other goods.
  21. @WNY Bowhunter do you do euros? If you don’t that may be a good avenue to make some money and let it the beetles do the work if you go full time. For guys that don’t want to spend 650ish for a shoulder mount or one not quite big enough it 50-100 bucks which is manageable for most.
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