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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. Can you go back and search like this or have you been holding onto this screen shot?
  2. Wasn’t he going to cure cancer he probably busy working on that.
  3. With your reply’s lately it’s seems you also can be error prone. It 12% supports vaccination please concentrate on the data. I shared the article because 12% seems like a low bar for the government to unconstitutionally step on and control private businesses and citizens freedoms. And the fear porn and statistics manipulation shown is what is driving some to think irrationally that it is ok. The government with no vested interest in these private businesses should stay out of personnel requirements it that simple.
  4. Did I say that NO I did not. I said the publication was left leaning and you passed up the statistics and data only to mention the left leaning lines. Quit with the flat earth bs as it is just another one of your petty insults.
  5. Yes a good article from a left leaning news publication that you picked some left leaning lines from. You sure are one weird republican/conservative simping for the government with it’s bs mandates for 12% but you do you.
  6. So approximately half the covid hospitalizations are not going in for covid at all but test positive going in for other procedures. Talk about pumping up the fear porn with statistics to make things sound twice as bad as it really is. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/09/covid-hospitalization-numbers-can-be-misleading/620062/
  7. Lone star ticks can cause you to have a red meat allergy. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/alpha-gal-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20428608
  8. Capitalism vs socialism simply explained with a picture from space
  9. I know a little bit about your industry as my buddy worked as middle management for the company that sued the big chicken conglomerates. I also know a lot about the trucking industry and driver demographics this is where it gets bad. Currently working for a company that does a lot with the freezing end for the companies you most likely buy from. Not saying your chicken is frozen but most is. As it a low end common product that we produce in our process. But the tax is what after the increase in prices?
  10. Love your optimism but we’re you not the guy saying Biden would not tax anyone more that made less than 400k. But have also said chicken is up 3x so 3x the sales tax before it reaches the consumer. More LTL and backhauls are going to raise the prices and tax to where? How far are you guys trucking out for backhaul as ny is not big chicken farming country? Might want to look into owner operator drivers bring it to you but that does nothing for the drivers bringing it to the slaughter house that are already getting refused now.
  11. That the one we tried this year only three plants we got a couple good ones but it was another very lackluster harvest. I was going to give up on them but will try again next year after seeing your success.
  12. But also would be cool with Biden bring ones covered in shit.
  13. Is there as secret to eggplant we have tried two years and two different types with no success?
  14. Harvey Weinstein ring a bell, stick this in your body or loose your job no big deal right? Not to make light of rape, (thought of deleting this) but this is how I feel. I was always taught to trust but verify. The people who have taken the vaccine are the science and long term data that people like myself need to verify. Every day the MRNA vaccinated post here is a good day and one more day closer to me trusting the science and I truly appreciate the willingness of those who trusted for the ones that need verification. I hope your wife will find empathy for the people that need to verify as some like myself run low on trust. I highly regard what your wife has chosen for a profession. As nursing is not a easy job as my sister in law is one and my wife started in that direction but could not handle the bad outcomes that happen sometimes. And as we often clash on ideologies here I what to be clear that I am trying to be respectful to your wife and yourself. But for some people like myself we need to verify more then trust for one reason or another.
  15. I would check them and pull and/or move them if you are on unfamiliar land. Pull them if you see something you like and think someone might move in on the spot you found or move them if you don’t see any to your liking.
  16. Why yes I did and not sure what you read in my statement that would make you think I did not. I don’t go to things I am not wanted at unlike Biden, or appreciate when people come to things they are not wanted at for a photo op but I don’t hang out with the elite that only care about photo ops.
  17. Biden went where he was not wanted not very respectful in my opinion. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58121267.amp
  18. Yes a monitor was going off glad she took the time to make a tick tock video when it was going off. But the fact is the 02 level with my PAM in my face mask drop to a level that the alarm goes off. We also are supposed to evacuate the area when the PAM alarm goes off. So the statement I replied to that said masks do not lower your 02 level was simply not true.
  19. Find someone with a PAM personal air monitor and have them put it in their mask 02 level drops and sets off the alarm. I have verified this with mine the alarm goes in under 30 seconds.
  20. With New York’s rent moratorium he has to let him stay until at least January 15 2022.
  21. Can you try attaching the link again it is not working.
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