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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. The National Police Association take on this it is a “dog and pony show”. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/national-police-association-slams-jan-6-probe.amp
  2. His hashtag #racistincheif in regards to than president trump shows why he is a part of this sham hearing. He is a never trump person just like the rest of the committee members.
  3. A quick search shows Dunn’s lawyer Mark Zaid to also be the whistleblowers lawyer in the first impeachment but this is not political at all. Must just be another coincidence and not another thing showing this to be a sham hearing. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1071811
  4. Mostly the attached link and a twitter search of his name.
  5. Not saying someone did not call him the n word buts seems he may have motivation to say someone did even if they didn’t. A lot of republicans do want a investigation and have ask for the 14000 hours of survalliance tape to be released which is not being released. Let’s start there and have a honest investigation not this sham. https://thefederalist.com/2021/07/27/teary-capitol-police-officer-who-testified-about-january-6-previously-defended-violent-george-floyd-riots-in-kenosha/#.YQCKDSt0zhQ.twitter
  6. People can say whatever they want but what do you see with your own eyes. Antifa and blm rioters being set free on bail helped raised by the now Vice President and later having charges dropped and trump supporter grandmas being held in shit prison conditions for simply trespassing. Democrats set a precedent for this behavior plain and simple and now want a 9/11 style commission and to call it a insurrection and the worst thing since the civil war what a joke.
  7. I see what you are saying but a multiple tier system where you put up billboards or put on a fbi search for trump supporter grandparents taking selfies in the capital building as blm and antifa members walk on serious charges is a hard sell and honestly not acceptable.
  8. Just file for a lifetime now and change address later.
  9. Reloading courses are available through nra trained instructors if someone was interested in learning about reloading and did not have anyone to teach them. But I have personally not taken this course so I am not sure how good or in depth it is. https://www.nrainstructors.org/Search.aspx
  10. Linde and Praxair have now merged together under the Linde name. Retiring from Linde at 59 seems to be a good goal to me.
  11. Ok you said watching the whole trial was “part of my job”. If you are not going to answer the question that I have asked multiple times just say so. No big deal I was just curious because after that comment I thought you may be in news or reporting and was surprised when you stated you are in tooling.
  12. Could you explain “just one more time if I happened to miss it” Why a tooling supplier is made to watch a criminal trial as part of his job?
  13. Sorry I said machine supplier instead of tooling supplier. You aren’t real civil are you? But can you elaborate on why a tooling supplier would have to watch criminal trials?
  14. Always figured you to be in news and/or reporting after you said watching the George Floyd trail was part of your job. Are you in news and supply machines to the big three as a side gig or are they making machine suppliers watch criminal trails now?
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