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Everything posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. Bus drivers quitting over mandates in Chicago and parents get payed $1000 to drive kids to school for 2 weeks. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/cps-families-affected-by-bus-driver-shortage-offered-stipends-of-up-to-1000/2601224/
  2. My wife pressure canned some meat sauce after 2 days cooking it down in roasters. All but the pork ribs came of our little farm.
  3. Smoked salsa it is a great in the winter.
  4. With the studies showing natural immunity is 10x greater than vaccine based immunity. I don’t see how natural immunity means nothing that should get you a pass in my opinion from the vaccine and testing. But with that said some institutions are demanding testing the same for vaccinated or not.
  5. Are they going to be dishonorable, medical or other? I don’t think a lot are doing it because they hate Biden as Trump also pushed the vaccine but it is more hesitancy to a newly approved drug technology that has failed multiple times in the past.
  6. That is true but this is a thread for the political section and if any mods still frequented here I am sure it would have been moved or locked along time ago. I am far from innocent on this. I honestly think we need a few mods to keep people, myself included inline. And if it went to open vote I know at least 1 person I would nominate
  7. The man responsible for the death’s of 13 soldiers checks his watch while the soldiers caskets are being carried into the trucks right in front of him. Apparently he had better things to be doing. Disgusting
  8. Did I say I was grieving I told you to tell the families of the fallen to relax. You truly are as much of a old demented piece of shit as the man you blow and had the audacity to call a hero on the day his poor decisions caused these lost life’s. I have blocked you as I recommend others do as you are simply not worth any effort to have a conversation with going forward.
  9. Tell the parents and loved ones of the fallen soldiers or the family’s of the people that are being abandoned to relax. This is a failure of the man you voted for plain and simple own this shit. You are one to call out Trumps failure but not Biden’s and quit acting like this was not a failure of his leadership and exactly what Biden said would not happen.
  10. https://www.theartofdoingstuff.com/2-ways-to-have-fresh-tomatoes-this-winter/ Try the second method it is a little different than I was taught. My grandma taught me to wrap each one individually but basically the same concept. Not as good as on the plant ripped but way better than the store bought hydroponic grown tomato’s.
  11. Never heard of blaser rifles before, I did a little reading and all reviewers seemed impressed as they should for that price. How did you learn about blaser and decide to purchase one?
  12. Yes we do, we actually replanted a row of these random growing tomatoes and they did well and are ripening only a little behind our planted varieties.
  13. In this heat it should be easy. Little joke “shrek is in my pants right now arguing with my a$$ about who’s swamp it is”
  14. Is it not ironic some of the same people who called Trump voters cultists and said we would do anything Trump said. Are the same ones on here pushing the same vaccine that Trump pushed.
  15. Wife found my favorite beer it is to hot for something barrel aged but after the head gasket failure on my mower after the first lap I said screw it and had one in the a/c.
  16. Also I did not know when you specifically quoted someone else you were asking for a opinion from everyone on their blm thoughts and that it was taking a key roll in every conversation you where having from that point. As this is not commonly how group conversations work. Not sure why you felt the need to slander me with labeling me a racist but you have slighted me at the very least.
  17. And did I ever say it was, if you will take the time to go back and reread my post you will find I did not. Not sure if you have confused what I said with someone else. A simple apology would have been better than doubling down on your mistake and labeling me a racist.
  18. I have been having a hard time find a new ladder stand. I pick this one up for $200 does anyone have any experience with these?
  19. No and I was not in the right when I committed my felonies like kicking over my teachers mailbox as a kid or opening my roommate magazine in the mail as a kid both felonies. I never said committing felonies was ok did I, just with some of the odd and ridiculous felonies we most likely have all committed some. But neither of them where as bad as burning businesses to the ground, stealing from businesses , and throwing shit at the police. Also none of that is standing up for one self. The protesters where fine the rioters where not how is this not simple enough for you. You can get screwed with that calling me a racist shit after putting words in my mouth.
  20. Hold up, I did not quote anything you said about blm so you might want to check calling me a racist. All I said and will say it again is if you look up some of the odd and ridiculous felonies most like myself have all committed some. What the hell is your problem dude?
  21. If you look up some of the other odd and ridiculous felonies I am sure you have committed some along with everyone else on here I know I have.
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