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Splitear last won the day on March 12 2022

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About Splitear

  • Birthday 12/08/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ballston Spa
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Playing Music

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  • Hunting Location
    Saratoga Region
  • Hunting Gun
    Browning A5, Remington 760, Ruger 10/22, T/C New Englander
  • Bow
    BowTech Allegiance

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  1. This is a fantastic idea Al, I've already shared it with a couple of my 4-H club leaders, and their going to make a target stand for them this week. Thanks for sharing this!
  2. The color of those antlers are awesome. Nice buck man!
  3. The only time I’ve struggled with my climber is having the bottom drop off while climbing. My tether came loose that held the 2 pieces together, and I was left dangling from the top with my platform about 8ft below me. That was literally a leap of faith, hoping it held when I landed on it, fortunately, it did.
  4. Nope, not ready, I'll be giving it a wing and a prayer. Going to hang my climber on last year's tree tomorrow so I can find it in the dark Saturday morning. I have my .54 ML sighted in, and am going to put a few rounds through my 760 Remington tomorrow, I'm not sure which I'm taking on Saturday. Good luck to all who are going out!
  5. Whew, glad to hear your okay. That hasn't happened to me since I was 16. I don't think I'd fair as well 2 decades later.
  6. That’s too bad. Still, good on you for trying Al.
  7. No joke, I'm going to fake a limp and find my way to Al's driveway Good thread Al, I appreciate you sharing the progress. Really shows the difference between a killer and a sportsman.
  8. The new sites politics section SUCKS! Not nearly as good as this one’s
  9. Man, I just flat out enjoy @OldBrian’s videos. I still think the grunting for worms is my favorite, I have delighted many nieces and nephews with that trick.
  10. Wilton, Saratoga area. I think it was like $65 a box.
  11. Goodness gracious Cynthia! I hope you heal up quickly.
  12. I think the last I saw there was $65 per box. I was able to buy some a while back for $26 box at a gun shop in Illinois and bought all they had, so fortunately I don't need any for a while
  13. Dicks in Wilton had a lot of 300 Savage recently, not cheap though.
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