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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by cynthiafu

  1. I use stick rice balls with coco or corn mixes in it
  2. Wow thats alot of tickets that need to.be sold . I am in but have to see if hubby wants in or my brother .I'll message you
  3. Happy Easter all . Did a nice hike with Bill. Now shooting my bow . I am going to figure this out
  4. My brother in law did it too. Still fresh in my mind his last day here . Laughing and joking no one even thought that he would ever of done it I still don't believe it.something snapped in his head and he just did it
  5. Got mine . Can't move my arm and a headache to boot with it . Much ice and heat on my arm and Tylenol. Not looking forward to next shot
  6. Hope you didn't throw it away that there would be great catfish bait
  7. I dont grip.the bow . The man showed me how not to do that . So I think I am just standing wrong . Or releasing wrong maybe . I am not sure but I am trying everyday I can.
  8. I am in wallkill just got first shot today . Fun fun . I swore I wanted to be the last one to get shot but with 11 people at my work that came down with covid in the last 4 days I decided I better . 2 are in the hoapital
  9. Would love to meet up and get some help .
  10. Ok I will go back to b& b . So I played around all day with it . And moved around and only missed the target once . But every time I was hitting the neck . Hubby says it will kill the deer lolll. He don't know . But no matter where I stood I hit the neck even from up on the porch .
  11. Good thing is i have not missed the bag lolol
  12. I stand in the same spot everytime .
  13. Not sure how to do that . But I figured if I aim for the far side of bag I still hit the neck
  14. Ok what am I doing wrong???? I aim for heart and hit in neck most times
  15. Trying to learn the bow . Also working the resistance bands. Not sure how to change stuff on the bow like the sites and stuff . I figure it out thats what you tube is for .
  16. So sorry for your loss. I know it all to well. We all do a chunk.of our hearts go with them .. I was so lost with out max but getting Cooper has helped alot. Helps to heal the broken spot in the heart.
  17. The people I have meet . The friends for life I have made . And the knowledge shared by many in this group
  18. I hope fasteddie stays on .
  19. Oh because he can't get back.in .
  20. What happen to Billy boy he got booted too
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