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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by njg0621

  1. Why do you want a portable fish finder on the boat? What else do you plan on doing with it? IMO they are a waste of money.... If I was going to put a "portable" fish finder in my boat I would go with a Marcum LX7 and buy the transducer kit to mount on the boat and then you can use for ice fishing or whatever else too. I actually have one that I use for ice fishing but I like to have a standard sonar system on my boat separately.
  2. Debone for sure...I've never had meat that was run through a band saw taste remotely good. If you don't trim fat, sinew, membranes and other connective tissues holding the various muscle groups together the meat doesn't taste good IMO. I meticulously trim and clean my deer meat and everyone loves it.
  3. Yup thats when you start to loooooose it! Ive had it happen to me!
  4. Lol I thought this was funny... 2.5?? I can't believe everyone is aging this deer so young....you can't judge a buck's age by his antlers. That being said you can't guarantee age by a pic but that buck is 4 1/2 all day IMO and definitely 3 1/2 at the absolute minimum.
  5. Your Dad knew how to properly take a picture with a buck before it was even a thing! Perfect poses from prolly the 70's. Great buck!
  6. I am going to hunt whitetails in Illinois this weekend for 2 weeks. It cost me $1800 to lease the property for the full year and it is worth every dime! Sit in the stand and watch bucks all day long!
  7. That is a beautiful buck and the mount is super well done! Congrats!
  8. LOL Wow you guys are beating this guy up BAD! I have to defend him and say most of these bucks are 2 1/2 based on just rack size not 1 1/2. There might be 1 maybe two at 1 1/2 but most 2 1/2. I wouldn't consider them mature but decent NY bucks by most standards.
  9. Finished the basement! I included a pic of what it looked like when I got the house. I have some more bucks and fish on the wall since this pic was taken but you get the idea.
  10. njg0621


    Like I said the original post was just asking if everyone heard as money shots for youth as I did. Honestly I just threw in the "Hope the 10 pt didn't get shot" as an afterthought. "His" deer? WTF?!! When did I say it was my deer? I like to see a youth hunt be successful as much as anybody else. Once again if you were hunting the biggest buck in your area and it got shot by anyone that you didn't know I don't believe you if you say it would hurt just a little bit you didn't get him. The moderator can go ahead and delete this whole thread because it is going somewhere completely different than my intentions. Every time I post on this forum I wonder why I did...people just talk a bunch of BS. Keyboard tough guys!
  11. njg0621


    Man you really have to watch what you say on this forum! I am not sure if what you said there was English but my post was just to ask if everyone noticed more shots than usual. I wouldn't say I'm "concerned" with if someone shot the monster I'm after. I will tell you this though you are lying if you tell me it wouldn't bug you just a tad if a random stranger no matter what their age was shot the giant you have been hunting....
  12. njg0621


    Did anyone else hear a lot of shots from the youth season this past weekend? I DID! OMG! The thing that kills me is I heard alot of shots WAAAAYYYYY past legal shooting hours. I just hope nobody killed the big 10 I am after.
  13. Summit Viper, I have used a bunch of different ones and I like this one the best. The lone Wolfs are junk in my opinion.
  14. Because that's what you do on a deer hunting forum isn't it? I just figured it was a question to ask because I am torn on what to do. I mean obviously at the end of the day I will make my own decision. Why reply topic if that is your answer? lol Anyways..... What I didn't tell you guys is the night after I saw these giants my buddy shot a buck. We have a rule that you can only shoot 6's or better on this property. He told me he shot a small basket rack six (Which I was already pissed off enough at knowing we had good bucks on the property). We ended up finding the deer after pushing out the entire woodlot tracking and it was a dink 4 point! I lost my mind and was seriously p*ssed off. He says he thought it had brow tines and was a six. So what are your feelings on this situation? How would you have handled it? I freaked out yelled and screamed.... I wasn't as pissed about him shooting a little buck as I was about pushing out a woodlot that I knew the two big boys were in after dark.
  15. So long story short I saw two good bucks opening day. The eight in the pic I have looked SMALL compared to the 10pt he came out with! I have never seen a deer as big as this mainframe 10pt! The were both at 150yds and wouldn't come towards me for anything! I can't sleep thinking about this buck now. My question is do I shoot this 8 point or hold out for the big 10? Man if he is in range it is gonna be a tough decision.
  16. So long story short I saw two good bucks opening day. The eight in the pic I have looked SMALL compared to the 10pt he came out with! I have never seen a deer as big as this mainframe 10pt! The were both at 150yds and wouldn't come towards me for anything! I can't sleep thinking about this buck now. My question is do I shoot this 8 point or hold out for the big 10? Man if he is in range it is gonna be a tough decision.
  17. 4C & 4K didn't draw either....funny how 4C is loaded with does but you need a PP to get a tag....NYS is a joke! How about we hand out a doe permit instead of a buck tag and let a few spikes grow up opening day. Anyways I'm not gonna get on a rant but if we did it like every other state that grows big bucks we would be in good shape. Congrats we are #1! We must be doing something right! http://www.wideopenspaces.com/top-10-worst-deer-hunting-states/
  18. Ha! Don't get me wrong he is a decent deer but only a 7pt. I need to get another pic of him to see what he has for width. I try to shoot the biggest buck I can every year but don't get me wrong he will go down with the bow if I get the opportunity. I have shot several bucks that size so I'm always hoping for something a little bigger. Not saying he is a little guy at all just saying he is average.
  19. This is the first decent buck I have on camera. Hoping I have something a little bigger to hunt after letting the cameras sit for a few more weeks.
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