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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. Too late. Ordered mine yesterday through DECALS. Guess ill wait and see if mine comes or not
  2. I loved watching Welcome Back Kotter! RIP Horshack . . . http://tv.yahoo.com/news/-welcome-back--kotter-s--horshack--ron-palillo--dies.html
  3. Really Nice job! I'd say about $15K. Last month I had my basement redone for the second time in 13 years - I did the demo and the painting but I had a friend lay the tile and move some walls (I can drive a nail but I'm no carpenter). Turned it from a playroom to a theater room with leather couches and a 55" HD TV. It just needs some proper decoration like deer heads and turkey fans . . . My Family Theater Room (soon to be hopefully after this coming hunting season - my MAN CAVE!!) and my home office . . .
  4. I can't believe this actually happened . . . http://screen.yahoo.com/drive-thru-emergency-30260618.html?pb_list=f98d7405-694c-44f4-99c7-e6d7f1032375
  5. Funny video. http://screen.yahoo.com/sleeping-man-mistaken-for-floating-corpse-30267861.html?pb_list=23dce613-c500-43f0-9134-70e58b73187a Not sure if i like the floating corpse story or the finger pulling one
  6. Who cares where he shot it as long as it was legal. So you'd rather have a president who robs from those who busted their arse to make their money and give it to the lazy good for nothings with their hand out? No thank you!
  7. After the last 4 years i would rather have anyone else than Obama. I am sorry that i voted for him 4 years ago. I got tired of the Bush sh*t that was being shoveled on us for 8 years with the many trillions of dollars of our money spent on a war that should never have happened. They all make promses we want to hear but when they get elected and push comes to shove we the people are the ones who always get shoved. The promises have always been empty on both sides of the podium. At least with R&R, hunters and gun owners have a fighting chance against those who want to control us and our sport to the point where we may have to hunt with spears and blow guns again. I also agree with WNY, who cares where the buck was shot as long as it was done legally in accordance with that state's hunting laws.
  8. Hope it turns out to be negative. . . Prayers are with you and the family
  9. Got 4Y and 1C. Shhh! Don't tell my father in law . . .
  10. Need some wine and cheese to go with that prociutto
  11. I could use a new scope for the new TC Muzzy he bought me last December. LOL
  12. This guy orders a TV on Amazon but ends up getting a Sig Sauer semi-auto. Can this be true? http://gizmodo.com/5933021/guy-gets-giant-assault-rifle-from-amazon-instead-of-tv
  13. You know you are probably right! LOL!
  14. After reading some responses above, if the bucks were tired out to the point where they did not move or thrash around, I would have called a buddy to help me try to separate them. I would not get up close and personal with them and reach down and try to separate them by hand. These guys used a pick up, a rope and a limb saw to cut off one of the horns. Then one of them reached down to separate them. That was a risk I would not want to take. Granted, if I didn't have the means or tools to separate them and I had unfilled tags, I would have taken them both.
  15. I just finished watching Dream Season The Journey on the Outdoor Channel. Two hunters came across two huge 10+ point bucks that were locked up with their horns. They were hunting these two bucks for a long time. Instead of shooting both of them which would have been legal being that they both had unfilled tags, they ended up roping the bucks and held them long enough to cut one of the horns to set them free. These guys risked getting gored by both bucks to set them free. I'm not sure what I would have done if I was in that situation. What would you have done?
  16. To me hunting is a balancing act between many different morals and ideals, from eating what I kill, with the exception of varmints and predators of course, to conservation, preservation, hunting ethics, and showing respect for all living creatures dead or alive. They all play a role on this earth and are part of the food chain with humans being at the top. Well most humans.... I also believe that hunting IS in fact a competition. Not in the sense of a football game but in the sense that I am competing with that elusive whitetail or gobbler - trying to outsmart them by using various methods to avoid detection. Lastly NY Antler hit it on the head too - there are more important things in my life than hunting, with my immediate family's health, happiness and safety being foremost on my list. Hunting is a fun, relaxing and stress relieving hobby which i could live without if necessary. Would i miss it? Of course. Would not being able to hunt kill me? No.
  17. Good luck with it. Can't go wrong with Nikon.
  18. Well . . . at least not in New York . . .
  19. They are not that heavy actually. They weigh 26oz. They come with a think foam strap where they sit on your neck but I bought one of the generic bino caddies that you wear like a harness. Here's the link for the Bushnell website http://bushnell.com/...phy-xlt/234210/ I actually tried them out at Gander in Kingston but bought them at Dicks with $20 coupon I had. I swear by them. Don't know much about Redfield. Always owned Bushnell products, scopes, Binos and a handheld rangefinder except for the Leupold bowmounted vendetta I use.
  20. I have been using the Bushnell Trophy XLT in 10 x 42. I can see deer at 400 yards through them like they are 20 yards in front of me. Really happy with them and fairly inexpensive. $129.99 at Dicks last year.
  21. Be careful some people may question whether you are serious when you say that.
  22. IMO A civil conversation is two people sharing differing or same opinions without insults . . . and when one side's opinion starts developing holes in it then the insults start flying. Happens a lot in this forum on various topics.
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