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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. I live in the area where this happened and it got dark very quickly. It was sunny and hot one second and the next it was dark, windy and raining. The weather changed very fast. The Det. on the case gave a news conference earlier and said the cause could have been several factors. Weather was only one of them. They showed the type of boat it was and I can't figure out how they got 27 people on there. I'm thinking it was a combination of the weather, wakes from other passing boats who were all probably heading back to the marina and overcrowding. It's possible that the skipper was turning into the wind because witnesses apparently saw the boat turn quickly and then capsize. As far as life jackets are concerned, two kids who died were found inside the cabin of the capsized boat. The third was found a couple of hours later inside the cabin as well. I don't think a life jacket would have saved them if they are trapped in the cabin filled with water.
  2. Here is the language of NYS Reckless driving law in the NYS VTL: § 1212. Reckless driving. Reckless driving shall mean driving or using any motor vehicle, motorcycle or any other vehicle propelled by any power other than muscular power or any appliance or accessory thereof in a manner which unreasonably interferes with the free and proper use of the public highway, or unreasonably endangers users of the public highway. Reckless driving is prohibited. Every person violating this provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. I guess it's pretty ambiguous and can be argued that it does not necessarily cover texting or voice calls. It was originally meant to cover the manner in which a person is driving their vehicle i.e. swerving in and out of traffic, and excessive speeding. The newer laws are geared toward more specific violations which most likely arose out of criminal defense lawyers arguing that texting while driving or making a call while driving does not necessarily fall within the purview of the above law. (And No. . . I'm not one of them)
  3. Don't forget losing your place where you were reading the Times. But seriously, don't text and drive . . . seen to many of these accidents in my practice the last 10 years
  4. Sad tragedy indeed . . . My hearts and prayers go out to the families of the young kids who died.
  5. Watched the fireworks done at a private country club that backs my sister in laws house in East Norwich. Free food, wine and fireworks. Can't beat that!
  6. Thanks 5.9. I'll take some better pics tomorrow and post them.
  7. Reading a lot helped me too. I would pick up a bottle of Sawyers Permethrin tick spray for clothes. You don't want your first time out scouting with you ending up with Lyme disease.
  8. The Declaration of Independence, ratified by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, asserts that "governments derive their only just powers from the consent of the governed." A new Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that 70% of American Adults agree with that statement, up from 66% last year and up from 56% in 2008. Just 13% now disagree with this assertion, but 17% are undecided. I wonder if the 13% who disagree are antis and the 17% undecided are just plain dumb.
  9. Here's one of my favorites. And another
  10. Thanks for the input guys. I've been using my weedeater on it but they are tough as heck. Causes the heavy duty string I use in it to break off often. Now that I know what it is I can do some research on how to remove it.
  11. Welcome to the forum! Great bunch of guys/gals with lots of information to share. Enjoy the ride!
  12. Ouch!!! Hope you feel better soon Grow.
  13. Yes it did when it was full bloom earlier this spring
  14. My neighbor's yard is starting to get full of these plants. The house is vacant now for 3 months but its under contract. I am seeing it pop up in between my hostas along the property line and even in part of my lawn. I don't know what it is and I want to get rid of it.
  15. They planted soybean on my hunting lands. At least I will be able to see deer in there instead of a wall of corn in font of my stand/blind.
  16. Nice. Very summery. Peaceful and serene.
  17. Enjoy! I haven't been up since December. Planning to go next week for blueberry picking with the family. Do some fishing with my son and set up my cams.
  18. Congrats on reaching a huge milestone! The next 50 should be all downhill!
  19. Update! The bullies were suspended for one year. I smell the lawsuits coming! http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/students_in_cruel_bus_monitor_taunt_KOmJKvpvugxM1XD7We1DVP?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=%0a%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20Local
  20. Cool! Can't wait till movie #9 comes to theaters.
  21. Looking forward to seeing some nice videos that is of course if you remembered to turn on the camera after setting it up. (just kidding) but seriously I've done that a few times to the point where I've written inside the camera door with a sharpie "Turn me on!". LOL!
  22. I read that the fine in 2014 if you don't have healthcare as an individual it's $285 or 1% of your annual income and in 2016 it goes up to $2085 or 4% whichever is greater. For employers its $3000 per employee so it's definitely possible that it could be $40k. The end result for employers is that they are going to be passing it on to their employees or reducing their salary to compensate for the difference. Some will be dropping healthcare altogether.
  23. After following and reading the various opinions on the pros and cons of the healthcare mandate, I agree with certain parts and disagree with other parts. I agree with: 1. The no exclusion for pre-existing conditions; 2. Keeping children on your plan until age of 26; 3. Striking down of the expansion of Medicaid to cover lower income Americans. I do not agree with the penalty to employers or families who do not purchase insurance. This is just another tax that we don't need. Romney is already spouting that if elected he will repeal the mandate on day one of office. Promises . . . Promises . . . What do you all think?
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