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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. Nice shooting there WNY! I need to start up soon too. Lots of things put on back burner including shooting since my illness started in April. Doing much better the last few weeks and been playing catch up. Hoping to get to range this coming week.
  2. Why he went cuckoo is the real question. He had a bachelors in neuroscience and was a phd candidate in neuroscience at univ colorado. I just read that he was having academic trouble. . Too much pressure perhaps that made him snap? Or maybe his dog told him to do it (a la David Berkowitz)?
  3. But shouldnt the alarm have gone off when he propped the emergency door open? Unless of course he disabled it. Again more questions than answers and i think we will never really know why he did what he did.
  4. Congrats and welcome to the word of the "money pit"! After redoing every room in the house over the last 20 yrs we are now redoing our basement for a second time. Just finished today converting from oil to gas heat and we are making the basement into another TV room. New tile, built in shelving and repaintng. Kids have outgrown the toys and such.
  5. I'd like to know how he got in through a fire exit when its supposed to be locked from the outside and can only be opened from the inside. Maybe there was an accomplice?
  6. Yeah that would piss me off royally too! LOL!
  7. You are probably right that not everyone would be capable of taking someone out like that but you know what, I would rather die trying to do that to save myself, family and others than to sit there and get shot in the head by some nut job like him.
  8. Thank you!! These scum criminals never think that an average Joe will have the guts to pull out their CC and fire on them. Good for him!!
  9. Just heard on news: 12 confirmed dead, 71 shot & wounded. He was carrying four weapons all legal under Colorado law.
  10. I'm not saying that everyone and their grandmother should be carrying and shooting in a dark theater. If it was a responsible gun carrying owner who is well trained and he or she was carrying, he or she would be capable of returning fire to stop the violence. I agree that it would have to be someone well trained, knowing when to shoot and knowing when to wait for the right opportunity to shoot and also being capable of shooting another human being. I know for certain, if my life or my family or friends were in danger and I was in a position to protect them I would not hesitate to do it. All the gun control advocates are just making it harder for someone who is responsible enough to know how to handle and shoot a firearm, to actually be allowed to carry one. The gun control laws do absolutely nothing to stop a looney toon like this guy in Colorado from buying a stolen gun on the street and using it in a crime. Who know's where he got the rifle? Gander Mountain? Dicks? This guy seems to have been hell bent on doing what he did. Why he did it I don't think we'll ever really find out. And yes if someone was carrying, trained properly on how to use a firearm, we could have saved the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next 50 years on housing and feeding this guy.
  11. Truly a sad tragedy! I already heard on the news that gun control has to get tougher. The debates are going to start again based upon this incident. IMO gun control laws should be more lenient and if someone in the theater were carrying, the death penalty could have been administered right then and there saving countless lives and preventing further injuries.
  12. Less than 77 days to go.....

  13. Who among us would not agree with this?
  14. I always carry my trusty swiss army pocketknife. Had it since i was in the boyscouts. I keep it sharp using my dremel and knife sharpening attachment and it cuts better than my newer winchester hunting knife.
  15. We got drenched here on Nassau's North Shore for few hours this afternoon.
  16. Porterhouse steak on the grill and an ice cold beer.
  17. Im going to pick up the SD camera connection kit for my ipad so i can at least upload pictures from my trail camera.
  18. Deerthug

    Who would

    Absolutely. Meat first. Racks are a bonus.
  19. 77 Days to go . . .

  20. Yeah same problem here. No smiley
  21. Cool video. Good luck getting permission.
  22. I stand corrected. What do you expect from a "longilander"?
  23. In 5 yrs I've taken 3 doe and one buck with it. So if it aint broke don't fix it! LOL! Hoping to put one down wth my new muzz this winter. Oh yeah and hoping to start the notches on bow with one as well.
  24. I have three im going to use: Toshiba S20 HD facing me, JVC Everio SD with zoom for distance shots and my wearable bluetooth Looxcie for point of view shots. I also have a mountable iphone bow mount i made im going to use as well. Barring any unforseen illnesses im going to be in my stand/blind on Oct 1st at 5:00Am.
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