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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I will stick with my 25-06 load . 53 gr H4831 --- 117 gr Sierra SP ---CCI 200 --- OAL 3.155
  2. My HUGE disappointment . Thursday afternoon my oldest son and I decided to hunt my SIL's woods in Geneseo . Between 2 and 3 , I saw 3 doe . Then around 5pm , I saw 4 doe west of me in the woods . At about 6 pm , I had 2 four points bucks approach my shooting zone . I could see another 5 deer west of me . I decided to shoot one of the bucks as it was about 25 yards from me . It looked like a good shot as I could see the lighted arrow nock . It ran north onto the neighbor's property . I texted my son and waited almost a half hour to retrieve the deer . I left my gear by the stand as I expected a fairly quick recovery . Big mistake . We started out spotting a few drops of blood , then a speck here and there zig zagging through the neighbor's woods which we were not familiar with . We had gone probably over a half mile and finally spotted the lighted nock on the arrow . Went a bit farther and found the deer . It looked like the arrow had gone through and finally came out the other side of th 4 pointer . It got dark quick . My son had started to go back for the sled and quickly returned as he had no idea where we were . We decided to leave the deer and find our way back through the woods . We walked East for quite a ways , then headed South . Found a corn field and kept walking south until we hit another neighbor's soy bean field . Walked another great distance , using our cell phone lights to see . Found the trail going into the woods and then found the horse trail and back to our ATV's . My knee replacement was killing me . It was almost 9pm . Yesterday I went back with a friend and took my Garmin GPS with me as it will show me my backtrack on it after walking . I had no idea where we wad found the deer Thursday night . We lost the blood trail and wandered around for about 3 hours and gave up . Nothing looked familiar as it was getting dark Thursday pm and we had no landmarks . I will make sure I take my Garmin GPS with me in the future as we were able to use it to get back with no problem . My son and I decided not to do any afternoon hunts at my SIL's woods after that . I am still upset with myself for losing the deer . Hammer away !
  3. Saw over a dozen deer yesterday late afternoon in the woods in Geneseo .
  4. What's going on in the Daks and Catskills ?
  5. ridgerunner88 - that is a real nice size spike . Congrats to your daughter .
  6. My son and grandson were out this am in Geneseo . He said it rained quite a bit but they did see a few doe and fawns . Blake was holding out for a big buck but that didn't happen . The did see 3 coyotes at over 200 yards but didn't shoot . The Genesee Valley Hunt Club rode by with the dogs to chase the fox . I wonder if that is what kicked out the coyotes . The riders went past one of my cuddeback cameras in the woods . Matt said there was at least 20 riders .
  7. I put my bow hunting clothes in plastic totes . I often use the "fresh earth" scent wafers . When I use to hunt on my son's property in Italy Valley , I would collect some oak leaves and acorns and put them in with my clothes .
  8. Well , I am 82 years old and don't have any shoulder problems so I am SOL for this .
  9. My son is taking my grandson out this weekend . Blake has done quite well the past couple years .
  10. I have a set of 4 Cuddeback cameras in Geneseo . The daily report shows that the cameras are fine . I haven't gotten any pictures in just over 2 days . Too warm .
  11. I made a video of using the Butt-Out tool several years ago when my oldest son and I were doing some Crop Damage Shooting . I will take a chance and post it .
  12. Happy Birthday ! Have a great day and a good hunting season .
  13. My son's and I all use one . It's much easier than the old time method without one .
  14. Opening day of Bow Season turned out to be a bummer . Got up at 3 am , had breakfast and drove 50 miles to my spot in Geneseo to meet up with my youngest son . Legal shooting time was 6:36 and I was in my stand by 5:45 . Sat back , relaxed and waited . Had great visibility to see across my SIL's bean field , the gully pasture lot and the neighbor's bean field . We agreed to stop at 10am as it was going to be a real warm day . Neither of of saw anything all morning . I drove the ATV down around the woods to see if I could kick anything out for my son . Still nothing . I checked out a couple trail cams and we left . Well , I left . My son went down to help my SIL put some straw in her barn . Got home in plenty of time to watch the Bills / Doefelons game so that was the highlight of the day . Looks like it's going to be too warm to hunt this week . Apparently the deer are laying low and staying cool . Pleanty of season left .
  15. I know WNYBuckHunter has tried to get through to burmjohn to allow new people to join the site with no luck . I have emailed burmjohn and also messaged him on facebook where he often posts with no luck . Apparently burmjohn , the site owner , just doesn't care .
  16. When your target buck pays off the beaver ...........
  17. Wow ! Looks like a great deal for someone ............
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