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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by GreeneHunter

  1. Unfortunately this happens ! Hunt long enough and it happens to everybody !
  2. We did that same thing last year .... Best Investment !
  3. Yup .... 6 years old here also , remember it on TV !
  4. Does she have a sister ? Asking for a Friend ! LOL
  5. Been out there since October 1st (unmodified Crossbow Permit ) ! Wife planned a cruise beginning Nov. 4th returning Nov. 19th so if I didn't apply for the Unmodified Crossbow permit I would be SOL !
  6. I recently (6 months ago) put my property (inherited) 21.5 acres up for sale and although I and my son thoroughly enjoy it I wanted to sell it and take care of the Kids / Grand Kids while I can . It only costs $ 1000 (roughly) per year in taxes so it is pretty easy to keep . Unfortunately 90 % is wetland but produces great hunting ! I've been thinking if it doesn't sell to put it in trust for 25 years and after that turn over to the State (not back to the town) ! Been running around those woods for over 50 years !
  7. Got a late start today , had a Breakfast Quesadilla then heading out to the Ladder Stand for a Nap !
  8. Try this Coeymans Creek Wildlife Management Area ... just north of Coxsackie , there is Parking there ! https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/118954.html
  9. Social Media can be Powerful ... so can Trail Cams positioned properly !
  10. I'll take Does every chance I get , I hunt for Meat not Antlers !
  11. Whenever I take a Deer in the woods by the next day the Gut Pile is gone ! I'm pretty sure coyotes are not picky and the remains of a Boar would be Disappeared in a day or two --- Legal or Not !
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