Doc, I thought you would be interested in this....
Not true, New york State now considers all BB and pellet guns as firearms. (page 16 of your hunting guide). And if you want to use one for hunting, the airgun has to produce a velocity of at least 600 feet per second.
Since they are considered firearms that just throws up red flags and the stores probably just stay away from it.
I don't know how big your son is, but those break barrel pellet guns needs some muscle to cock the gun. It would be nice if he could try one somewhere.
Are you sure she was untouched? I've shot deer, with snow on the ground, that took off like they weren't hit, no hair or blood in the snow only to be found dead 100 yds. away' So you need to follow up as much as you can.
Second, you said you looked through the scope seen the deer and shot. You need to put that crosshair on the hairs you want to hit!.
In know it's frustrating but this the fun of the chase! lol
You need to get to know your gun. Agree with Early, need some practice at the range. Start close, 30yds, then 40, 50, 60, and so on.
By the way, what gun you shooting, what type slugs, how far was the deer??
Remington 760 pump 30-06 150gr PSP or
Remington 870 wingmaster w/original cantalever barrel 12ga sabot slugs.
I live in a rifle county, so I like using the 30-06, but when I hunt my neighbors land, he doesn't want anyone using rifles, so I use the shotgun. So be it.