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Big Indian

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Everything posted by Big Indian

  1. ALL Syd has returned home ! She has amazed all the doctor's nurses etc, and more importantly defied the odds for someone with a traumatic brain injury. She will continue to receive intensive physical/occupational/ and speech therapy for the next 12-18 months. Once again thanks to everyone for your support.
  2. granola bars and the dry noodle soup in a cup, you add hot water and have a decent warm and filling meal. I always try to find a branch or twig shaped like a fork to eat the noodles with !
  3. do it just like a chicken pot pie, substituting the venison for chicken. I will post my recipe for that later....trying to get my daughter off to school 3 tbsp butter 3 tbsp flour 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp thyme 1/8 tsp pepper 3/4 cup chicken broth ( I would use beef broth for the venison) 3/4 cup whipping cream 2 cups cooked chicken/ venison 1- 10oz package froz peas/ carrots 1 cup small whole onions ( cocktail style) 2 pie shells ( one for filling, the other to lattice over the pie) heat butter over low heat until melted. Stir in flour salt, pepper, thyme and cook stirring until it's smooth and bubbly. Remove from heat, stir in broth and cream heat till boiling stirring constantly, for 1 min. Add venison, peas, carrots, onions. Mix in pot then transfer to pie shell. Use extra pie shell to make a lattice over pie. Bake 35-40 mins @ 450. Enjoy
  4. Total BS, they should concentrate their efforts on more important issues !
  5. Sydney is out of the coma, and doing well, she is talking to and teasing family, friends & visitors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is truly a miracle, and I want to thank all of the people who prayed for her, and will continue to do so. She is on the road to recovery, but it will be months of therapy and rehab. Once again, THANK YOU ALL for your thoughts and prayers !
  6. Latest update, Sydney is now breathing on her own !!!! She still has a long way to go, but these small steps will take her where she needs to go. THANK YOU to all who have been keeping her in your thoughts and prayers, please continue.
  7. As of this morning, still stable and doing as well as possible. Dad & Mom say some of the numerous tubes have been removed, and some of the meds are being cut back. The family thanks everyone for their thoughts well wishes, and prayers.
  8. I always try to eat what I shoot, that being said it takes a lot of marinade to make them palatable. I've always found brant to taste very "seaweedy" but as others have said the mallards are not too bad.
  9. yes, just making a mockery of the fact he is a 16 y.o. freshman he should be at least a junior, but now we dont even have to worry about this POS
  10. They also did not say that his mom was a 30 year old senior at the same high school. Too effin bad mom, you should have done a better job raising your son !
  11. Thnaks everyone!!!!!!, keep the prayers coming. Her Dad sent out notification about an hour ago she is doing a bit better, but the next 72 hours are critical. There are so many people praying and thinking of this little girl, it's really helping. She's at a great childrens hospital here on Long Island and hopefully their expertise and everyones prayers will get her through.
  12. My friend's 8 year old daughter, Sydney, was involved in a terrible sledding accident last evening. She is in a coma and listed in critical condition after her first brain surgery. Her future with us here isn't certain. PLEASE PRAY FOR SYDNEY & HER FAMILY! No amount of prayer is TOO MUCH!!! This little girl has an extremely bright future ahead of her surrounded with endless amounts of love... PRAYER CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS!! With enough faith & love, I know she can pull through.She comes from a family of strength.. God please!!
  13. Here is what he said about the naming. --"It's not soaring, beautiful, handsome, like the George Washington or the Verrazano. It's rugged, it's hard working -- and that's me." On the 59th Street Bridge being renamed for him in 2011. RIP Mr. Koch
  14. It's been hit or miss ( and so has my shooting !!!!!), a few brant, few blacks, few buffles, one greenie My brother shot a banded black and a banded brant. He shoots one banded bird a year it seems., and last year he shot a brant that was double banded
  15. Anyone know of any place to hunt snow geese, the DEC extended the season and I have very rarely seen them on Long Island wile duck hunting. I know they sometimes do big farms etc.... Any info on sightings, migration patterns etc appreciated
  16. OH crap, I just paid my bill for my Quad insurance. I will see if I can drop them when policy is up !
  17. Thanks for the info, I stand corrected. I applaud their moves
  18. I'm rooting for Coach Harbaugh's team......
  19. That sucks, unfortunately I promised my kids we would go, so I have no choice..... We should expect to see these types of "spineless" moves from companies for quite some time, they are interested in their balance sheet, (which is going to take a hit from people like us) but the powers that be at these companies are caving to the pressure of being politically correct and that is a shame.
  20. Waiting on Lawdwaz to inform us of the results, it was today if I read the 1st post correctly.
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