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Big Indian

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Big Indian

  1. @Swamp_bucks, as a fellow back pain sufferer, I know how you feel ( 2 herniated disc’s) Good luck, and make sure you get someone to drag out the big 6 for ya. I have a feeling you’re doing it this afternoon!
  2. @bhunterED can’t remember his name but 607 373 1179
  3. @turkeyfeathersthere was an interesting article about this in NYON a few years ago, if I’m not mistaken it was written by a fellow hunter who also owns a body shop. I’m going to try and search it up and put in here
  4. No need to worry about the cost, Joe and The Ho, will forgive it……
  5. Good luck with the visit. Get a scholarship or many scholarships outta these people what I LOVE about this group is the generosity of the people. @moog5050and @Nomadoffering to hunt with/ set another guy up in their spot. 2 CLASS act gentleman right there.
  6. As always, great feedback from this group. TYVM to all who gave their input
  7. Question for all of you using climbers. Have you ever changed the cables on yours? If so, how often? I’ve never changed and was thinking of doing just for safety sake…. Thanks for any/all input
  8. Remington model 760 game master puts em down. Got the same setup! . Congrats on a fine buck
  9. @fasteddie…..Do you walk far to your spot? If so, bring a second pair of socks, and change the “walking” wet/sweaty ones. I do this as a routine, I even change underwear and t shirt, I have a horrible time with cold feet, it could be 40+ degrees and my feet are cold. I’ve tried everything and I mean everything, expensive boots, the shit insoles for $100+, the regular heated ones, loosening laces when you sit so your feet aren’t constricted can also help. Just a few of my tricks, but nothing ever helps, it sucks. Good luck and if you find a miracle warm boot, let me know. Oh, and most importantly, have fun and shoot a nice one
  10. My brother goes to steuben and said there are plenty of opportunities on state land there
  11. I may try on Saturday, if my wife doesn’t have a shit fit, or hide my keys
  12. We’ll after several exciting bow hunts, I wasn’t able to put anything in the freezer, and was looking for 1 last day with the bow tomorrow and then get at it with the gun Saturday and beyond. I started feeling blah yesterday with an annoying dry cough. For the sake of the other guys I was going to be with, I went and got tested this morning. I got the RONA. It couldn’t have come at a worse time. BEST of luck to all who will be out this weekend. I’ll be home watching the forums and being jealous of not hunting, have fun and most importantly BE SAFE
  13. Never trust a fart, but last time out I ripped one and 5 minutes later had deer show up
  14. My daughter is a student there and last year her dorm room faced that direction. I was tempted to setup in her room a few times, but I guess I’d be writing this from the jail cell if I did…
  15. Some of my best times in the woods when my kids were young was the youth weekend. I was also fortunate enough to be a mentor to my buddies kid one year, so this is terrible news from an A HOLE politician
  16. Sweet, best of luck and safe travels!
  17. My buddy arrowed this last Nov, and asked me to do something cool with it. I am just a bit disappointed because it doesn’t have enough white in it. I tried to do red white and blue but they red and blue took over too much. Either way, I know he’ll appreciate it but not exactly what I envisioned
  18. @moog5050, good luck. IDK where u live, but have the pros look into it, my buddy is an HVAC guy and says same. also have my bro’s at the FD come and check for gas leak too, we’re always happy to help
  19. My cast iron only comes out for the good stuff
  20. I can’t go anymore, my muzzeloader will be shelved this year
  21. Should I sautee in butter and onion? I had a great season and spent more time in the woods than I have in many years, plus I hunted with my son and my good buddy a lot. I BLEW a golden opportunity on opening day, so I only have myself to blame for that, just happy for all the AMAZING members of this forum who filled a tag or 2.
  22. Don’t laugh, but I use hot pink, a color which will stick out in the leaves etc, it has helped find arrow. A guy I met in the archery shop had them on his, you can get from Lancaster
  23. Thanks @Culvercreek hunt club. Didn’t know that, in any case I’m still not gonna use, hope somebody can
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