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Big Indian

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Everything posted by Big Indian

  1. Any place west of Kingston on / adjacent to route 28, 42, 209. All good areas lots of state land and ton of bear
  2. @The Engineer, could not have said it better myself
  3. @the blur He did not search vehicle, simply asked to check guns, looked in the bed, nothing was pulled out, etc. I had nothing to hide so what did I care. I don’t disagree with you, about the 100 question, but if you follow rules, and comply with them things go smooth.
  4. @steve863, 2 guys in a pickup coming from the north, probably. however, as I said I can not imagine how many guys drove by while he was checking us. also they had 3 cars pulled over at the end of the merge from Bruckner. There was an electric sign at the beginning of Throgs Neck exp, warning all hunters to stop. This guy was on shoulder, pointed at me and motioned me to the side
  5. I got stopped, at the end of Throgs Neck Expwy, asked if I was lucky (no not yet) Where we hunted he checked guns of me and friend to make sure they were unloaded and then asked if he could open bed cover and look inside. He couldn’t have been nicer, have not had too many encounters with DEC, and this was surely a positive experience.
  6. Thermacell insoles suck. Don’t waste your $, unless u want to buy mine from me. IDK anything about the vest
  7. I Make sure all wet/damp clothing from the walk in is removed, I strip totally and put on all dry clothes, socks, underwear and t shirt. Then layer I make sure to cover back of neck / head with balaclava , turtle neck, hand warmers in muff and a hot beverage in thermos if it’s an all day sit. Try to stay out of wind on windy day if possible.
  8. I have carbon arrows, with wraps, so as @Moho81 said wasn’t that deer time to die. Plus $h!t luck on my end.
  9. Friday morning during the snow, I get a text from my buddy. big 8 heading your way, no sooner do I put phone down, here he comes and gives me a broadside shot at the estrous I had at 25 yards from my ground blind. I draw and shoot and watch the arrow sail rite over him, and say to myself WTF??? Look down and there’s one of my fletches on the ground. I wanted to cry, but whatever. I always check my arrows/equipment etc, so guess this was just bad luck. Anyone ever have this happen during practice or at a REALLY nice deer? Thanks for listening to me complain and vent. It didn’t stop me from getting in the rest of the day or weekend, I had a few days away, but still sucks!
  10. I’ve been following this like an expectant father...LOL. Can’t wait for pics and story
  11. hang it, what’s the worst thing that can happen? Good luck and look forward to seeing the pics of your harvest
  12. Double ouch, but FCUK the NFL. have not watched a game since they started disrespecting the flag and cow towing to those overpaid felons. hope you have another opportunity at that beauty, good luck!
  13. Had this skull laying around and decided to give it a try. thanks to @dinorocks for giving me some pointers. I really like it. Merica’
  14. Funny, I drove it yesterday going to visit Marist with my daughter. Saw one doe eating on side of road and a nice 6 “sleeping’” under the guardrail the entire trip
  15. Please provide progress updates, we all hope and continue to pray for him, and you that he’s going to pull through fine and will be 100 % again very soon
  16. Praying for him. Hoping for a speedy recovery and to be back home safe and sound
  17. Congrats on a fine first deer and great story. Way to go young lady !
  18. Culver creek hunt club, do you have anything from them? I was looking into the heated vest
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