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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. We will all find out eventually what is true and what isn't. Lol
  2. To me it is more about the 'pledge" or not willing to pledge. to me the Pledge means that we are all pledge to the country under one unifying force. God, Allah, Buddha, whatever the name of the day is. For an Atheist to refuse the pledge becasue of the word God in it, tells me they are more into themselves than the country as a whole anyway. If the term has no meaning than why not? Might as well be one nation under Mickey Mouse to an Atheist? right?
  3. Elmo, given that do you have an issue saying the pledge?
  4. I think it actually is on topic, if we are discussing keeeping a group out unless we can vet them.
  5. I wonder how the totals would stack up if we added maimed and wounded to that. And why do we have to start to tally after 9-11? I also really wonder how many attempts by any group are foiled and we never hear a peep about them.
  6. The point of my comment was just that. Funny how your actual leanings frame which side doesn't apply it consistently I see no issue with keeping high risk individuals out of the country. I sure as hell don't put much faith in our current vetting process. I deal with employees every week on some of Govt authorization to be in the country and I can tell you the Govt doesn't have a clue how to keep track of these folks. And these are the ones that aren't trying to hide.
  7. I've traveled oversees and it happens there too. Difference being that it isn't religion based. Our current system sucks for keeping track of non-citizens. If they are a threat and want to fall off the radar, current;y it is pretty easy.
  8. and there weren't skyscrapers that were run into by the mayflower and the Pilgrims didn't wear exploding vests.
  9. But to be clear, Non-citizens would not be covered by our Constitution. I have no issue with a database and tracking for ANY non-citizen in our country. If they don't like that, then don't come.
  10. "if it saves just one life it is worth it". Wait, sorry, that was what the left says about gun control
  11. You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until your insurance company picks up on it.
  12. but it's about the only option to hunt on Sunday if you are hunting PA on Saturday.And any hunting beats staring at camp walls. Lol
  13. southern region 7 is loaded with state land that has very little pressure. I boarder up against a large piece and while there are shots on opening weekend it does not sound like that. After that weekend shots are bout non-existent.
  14. Fletch, Do you use hog rings or just tie them? I bought the pliers and a bag of ring (pretty cheap) and I love how they work to close the casings and attach the hanger strings.
  15. I've done the Adirondack scenic railroad, their Polar Express run. It was fun.
  16. he had two years unobstructed. That was my point and it is valid
  17. Remind me again which party had control of both the House and Senate during Obama's first two years?
  18. I was looking into them when they came out. I liked them a lot but IIRC there was an issue with them.
  19. And since this week is the 25th anniversary of THE ice storm, it seems like a perfect time.
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