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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I just meant those are the lines given the coverage. Even in the link you supplied they can't say that he actually said all Muslims should be in a database. I don't believe that is what he meant either. I am not a fan of his but I am on an ABC mission. I whole heartily believe all foreigners in the country should be under the biggest microscope we can muster, EPSICIALLY those with a radical Muslim record. Le't really look at the one sentence that is driving this all Reporter- Are you unequivocally now ruling out a database on all Muslims?" "No, not at all," Trump responded. Is the question asking - Is Trump ruling out a Database that will include all Muslims? or Is Trump ruling out all Muslims from a database? The reporter should have learned how to diagram a sentence. Unfortunately i believe the reporters are not stupid and ask questions that can be spun how ever they wish. Are you now swearing off all drugs?
  2. i figured those were the exchanges that you were referencing. Given your frame of mind I can see how you could assume what he meant.
  3. Can you show me a quote from one of the Republican candidates that call for this? I saw comments about registering non-citizens but haven't seen the citizen quote.
  4. It looks like it is about to start spurting eggs in an Alien movie..lol
  5. have shot 3 guns with lasers and hated everyone. seemed like there was too much time trying to get the dot on the target for me. I much preferred the tritium sights.
  6. Keep your eyes open. There may be duplicates of this happening in other branches around the state.
  7. I've noticed you never call yourself a conservative though. I would expect that many that respect Romney have many left leanings. There is a reason the Term RINO was coined.
  8. where in NY do you live? may make a difference. NY City rules SUCK!!!
  9. Thought I would give this a bump since we are less than a week away. I hope to see many there. rare opportunity to hear it from the horses mouth.
  10. You should go run on a Democratic ticket. That line of thinking got us the Safe Act. and reduced capacity magazines, the banning of common platforms that have no functional difference than other semi rifles and ammunition background checks. So I go to a gun auction or even a store and there is great sale, why should I have to miss it? I have bought two in one day before, gun shows. (YES with background checks) There is a special election to fill Skelos' seat on April 19th I think. If the Republicans loose that seat hold on to you nickers for microstamping to come back . THEN try to by a semi pistol in this state.
  11. Large bulky flys are the worst to try an learn with. I would actually practice in your back yard. The old timer that taught me never let me near the water for 4 outings. leave the leader off and just practice with the weight forward line. if you get to the point you can lay out a straight line on the ground gently and with no coiling, then you are ready for a leader and fly and some water. It should be like a big horizontal U that is unrolling onto the water. This will also give you a very good feeling of your effective range. Most new fly fisherman keep trying to go for that really LONNNNNNNNNG cast like they have spinning tackle. fly fishing is more like pitching for bass or spot and stalk hunting. I agree with the 10-2 and the last aiming forward motion generally is an accelerating motion with the rod finishing horizontal and pointed at your target spot.
  12. Happy Birthday to my favorite aboriginal!!!
  13. I really enjoy it. Always waiting to see something I have. Lol
  14. well, didn't sound that way with your response to Mike. The question about where it was probably should have preceded this. Sorry for my comment. Just so many around here lately just looking to stir up $hit rather than contribute or even have a discussion or debate.
  15. Oh for God sake, don't be a dink https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2015/s6843
  16. N.Y. Gun Bill Takes Aim at Rifles, Shotguns Sportsmen Contacts Needed ASAP! A New York City senator has introduced legislation prohibiting the purchase or sale of more than one rifle or shotgun over a 90-day period. Senate Bill 6843, sponsored by Sen. James Sanders (D-NYC), would prohibit a gun dealer or seller from knowingly selling a shotgun or rifle to an individual that has purchased one during the preceding three-month period. The bill, which is now before the Senate Consumer Protection Committee, is notable for two reasons. First, because it singles out firearms commonly used by hunters. Previous bills that have attempted to place a timeline between gun purchases have been across the board and included handguns. SB 6843 names only shotguns and rifles. Second, the time period between permitted gun purchases in the proposal is 90 days, which is three-times longer than similar laws enacted in other states. California, Maryland and New Jersey all have 30-day time periods between permissible gun purchases. Additionally, California and New Jersey only apply this restriction to handguns, while Maryland adds “assault weapons.” Take Action! New York hunters should contact their state senator to oppose Senate Bill 6843. The legislation is an unjustified attack on law-abiding citizens who pump tens of millions of dollars into the state’s economy each and every year. Click here to contact your State Senator and ask them to vote NO on SB 6843. About the Sportsmen's Alliance:The Sportsmen’s Alliance is a 501 © 4 organization that protects and defends America’s wildlife conservation programs and the pursuits – hunting, fishing and trapping – that generate the money to pay for them. Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation is a 501 © 3 organization that supports the same mission through public education, legal defense and research. Its mission is accomplished through several distinct programs coordinated to provide the most complete defense capability possible. Stay connected to Sportsmen’s Alliance: Online, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Sportsmen's Alliance 801 Kingsmill Parkway Columbus, Ohio 43229 614-888-4868 www.sportsmensalliance.org [email protected]
  17. It is public. Sportsman's Alliance sent out an email on the 14th
  18. I would have loved to see in process photos, or better yet a video. I love watching as a project progresses.
  19. Just kidding, becasue it looks like a couch the parents of a friend growing up had. They had two of the rooms all covered in plastic and you weren't even allowed to walk through those rooms
  20. Back off from Biz, guys. At least he took the plastic covers off for the photo of the couch. JK
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