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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. ...by issuing loans to unqualified individuals, at the mandate of the Government. Just so the whole story in in there.
  2. Share the feeling that taking game doing anything illegal is poaching. I'm looking at it from purely a Law enforcement standpoint. I know I'm stretching. Lol
  3. What about the guy that is target practicing with his bow out behind his garage?
  4. Let me know if you end up with any small pieces that you aren't using that are about knife handle size. We'll make a deal. It looks great and holds up well when stabilized.
  5. Personal feelings aside (I do agree with you), if you had the badge, would you be able to write that ticket?
  6. Just wonder who you thought was stalking?
  7. Well with Doc being a Moderator here I can see why he would have to read this thread even it it is bothersome.
  8. Suppressing? who said anything about that? I also don't believe in artificially inflating it either. I know there are some on here that lover the "get by doing as little as possible and getting away with it theory", but I have seen through my career that people get paid based on their contribution and what they are worth. Take a read into Davis Bacon wages and tell me this isn't artificial inflation
  9. I am in the construction market and I never bought into the infrastructure being the place to spend, if spending is required. it is a short term fix and even the initial influx of $$ into the economy is short term and artificial. Don't get me wrong, I love to see a boom in construction but would rather see it in a more sustainable market. In all honesty I don't see how we could man a big infrastructure boom currently. Skilled trades are down and the manpower isn't there. Wages are being inflated to attract what labor is available and as a whole the skilled labor force is increasing in age and decreasing in talent. (Pipe fitters and Pipe welders 80-100,000 a year,open shop and not chasing shutdowns where the money is even higher) For the record I am not a welfare fan and that goes for corporations as well.
  10. I guess I look at the federal budget with the same critical eyes that I do my own. I believe your stated approach, while having some merit, is the cart before the horse and should follow reduced spending and deficit reduction. The order that the government has become accustom to (under BOTH parties) is akin to running up your credit card and taking a second mortgage believing it will increase you income.
  11. One of Eisenhower's main platforms was Federal deficit reduction. How does that fir in with Bernie's "free" campaign?
  12. . There is one small difference and it is just a piece of paper. Probably why so many have fought to maintain it for so long.
  13. Communism and democratic socialism are compatible with Capitalism? How did the capitalism work out in the communist nations from the 50's through the 90's? By definition they require heavily regulated or even controlled economic models
  14. I have used screw in steps in the past. I never had an issue with one piece solid ones but I did have one "folding" type fail when the rivet broke at the hinge point. Happened just as I was putting my leg forward to get it on the platform of the Lok on. It was the longest 3' I can remember before the the inside of my thigh made contact with the previous right foot step below. raked up my thigh and as much as that raking hurt the sudden stop sitting on the step like a saddle hurt wayyyyyyyyyy worse. (your eyes watering yet). They were all taken out of service and I started using a harness after that.
  15. Dom, What kind of fish are you going after and how many do you anticipate having to store? If you aren't talking about a bunch I have two words. Shore dinner. The two i went on to Canada, we ended up not bringing any home becasue they went from the lake to the pan...lol
  16. That is kind of a hold over definition from the Days of the Lord owning the land and the game on it.
  17. Even our apprenticeship programs are up against this wall. With no skin in the game (becasue the company hires them and pays for their books and school) they are quick to bail on the program becasue the work is too hard.
  18. but those violations would be contrary to NYS Environmental law. I don't believe this would be. I know I am being very technical but it seemed like a good conversation to have. i think everyone will say it is wrong to do but to call it poaching...is it? (I mean legally)
  19. is it poaching though if the area is open?I think they would be hard pressed to convict on that violation.
  20. It is fabricated and has been reinvented to use Bernie. Even at that the premise and outcome would be valid and very believable.
  21. From an economic standpoint there basically isn't a difference. They both find capitalism incompatible with their objectives.
  22. But is it poaching if it is in an area that is covered by an open season? Could a person be ticketed for illegally taking game if the season is open in that area and it is a municipal law on discharge? or is the only ticket that could be issued for the discharge?
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