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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I've never done those becasue it seems like fridge space is always a premium. I have had great luck with very crisp and snappy canned pickles by trimming off the blossom end and adding the recommended amount of pickle crisp. would love to see what recipe he uses though.
  2. I don't remember seeing anyone commenting that they were ok with Apple providing the Feds a free pass to a backdoor. I guess I kind of view my phone the same as a file cabinet in my home office. If I was a terrorist and they had a warrant, then they should have access to it.
  3. All you need is a deep stock pot. Pickles are about as easy as canning gets. My uncle grows hot garlic and it makes an awesome dill. just a little tang.
  4. Pygmy, Usually eating our own home made but when the wife and daughter go through my canned pickles we get the Claussen Whole Dills. very good pickle. you ever can your own?
  5. Sounds like their rule to control it how they want. Which can also be the price of admission. would love to find another spot to do this. Nice having that little venison boost going into the hunting camp season. Takes the pressure off...lol
  6. use to hunt....lol. Could have been a typo or auto. Thanks for picking it up.
  7. The permits I have used are property based, not field based. So as long as you are on the listed property you can use tree stands, blinds and rifles (even in shotgun only areas). Scent isn't as big of a deal at 200+yards. We filled most of them right at dusk.
  8. "would it help brass life and accuracy to get a neck resizing die?" yes and maybe....but very likely yes and yes. (See semi comment below) I run the Lee 4 hole turret press. I put the FL die and neck die set up for each rifle caliber. New brass, pick ups or purchased once fired gets Fl sized and then it is all neck from there. (Unless, as I stated before it will be used in multiple rifles.) For my Fathers 7400 I FL size it all. the semi doesn't seem to function as well neck sized, even with bras fired from it. I have read to Fl all ammo for semi's but I am sure others here can comment better
  9. That should never happen. Given the other countries where the IPhone is marketed, I would believe that the ability to get the data already exists. Turning over the contained data on THAT phone should have been no different than any other search warrant with cause.
  10. Agreed. I obviously don't know all the details. I can't see the government asking for a backdoort to every phone but if I had control of Apple it would have been a closed door meeting. For obvious national security reasons I have to believe Apple could have given them the contents of that phone. They sell them world wide and I have to believe that if China ordered the contents be turned over it would have been.
  11. I full length size any ammo that will be interchanged. (my 30-30 ammo is the only one that a few guns share at camp)
  12. The Feds, should have just called China. They would be in the phone in about 2 hours.
  13. The Nursery I sue to hunt on got hit hard. They had $75,000 in just rubbing damage in one season. You could see in one night a buck had walked right down a row on 1" caliper ornaments trees and hit every one. once scarred they are about worthless as sales stock. Had to be 40-50 trees in that one row I saw.
  14. The ones i have seen, you had to turn in the antlers that are taken on these permits.
  15. Yup. those are valid only during the time of year where rubbing damage can occur.
  16. Yeas they are on areas that get rubbing damage. Nurseries and orchards are tow that can get them.
  17. re read the post G-man put up. He didn't say that a spike is always a spike.
  18. i order mine on the side for pizza. I don't like the whole pizza to taste like it. Seems to when cooked on it. I like to place them one after its cooked
  19. and yet again. Where are you addressing the Government mandate to meet specific demographic goals, regardless of theirpersonal financial stability.
  20. It's because these folks also did as little as possible to get by in school and don't understand basic economics. They wouldn't understand personal responsibility if it hit them on the nose. When I bought my first house and saw the high amount they pre-approved me for I said , "Well that isn't happening".
  21. So if you were forced to take on a liability that was below your normal standards and had an opportunity to pawn it off on someone else, you wouldn't? Come on, this from the guy who does as little as possible to get by in life?
  22. I could easily go thorough over 1,000 rounds on a Saturday range outing with my Daughter. How about a competitive skeet or trap shooter? they don't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground.
  23. LOVE Sardines. paired up with a very good Limburger cheese and a spicy mustard. mmmmmmmmmm Also a huge anchovies fan. white pizza with anchovies and artichoke hearts.
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