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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Doc, I would tie that in with the loss of large tracts of land capable of being hunted by a group and the fall off of traditional hunting camps. Kind of made it more of an individual pursuit and changed the focus.
  2. I have never done a spring bear in Quebec but have gone to Ontario twice in September. Was fun but the only draw back I can convey was the BUGS!!! head net for us was a must and I would check with your relatives to see if they were bad. Might want to practice shooting with the head net on if you are boing with your bow.
  3. I understand what you are saying now. It didn't make sense to me in your prior posts.
  4. I think just more deer on the best property still. Inferior habitat will still be inferior IMO
  5. So these more dedicated and experienced hunters want a larger quantity of mature deer to hunt. So let's further hamper the less dedicated or less experienced hunters to accommodate them, with decreasing hunter participation and increasing access issues? I don't know, this whole thing seems counter productive to me.
  6. So now 12 point minimum? To use NY Antlers analogy what you are suggesting is taking the basketball rim and raising it to 14' because you don't like the use of the dunk in scoring and moving the 3 point line out to half court. Really raises the skill level required to play the game but wouldn't make for a pretty $hitty sport to watch or participate in. I am all for QDM, familiar with the process and management approach. Not in favor of shoving my CHOICES down another hunters' throat.
  7. Wow. Promoting protecting 2.5's on a state wide..wow...wow. As far as using B&C. go into any of the threads there and see how inaccurate some guesses are from a picture. Now you think it happening in the field would be any more accurate? What you choose to do on your land is your business, but promoting a program to protect most 2.5's is totally unrealistic.
  8. take your time, not too bad except for the ones that have to drive 25 mixed in with the ones that have to drive 75.
  9. Did I read that right. You want a restriction to protect 3.5 year olds?
  10. Be verrrrrrrry careful saying yes to seeing pics in such a general statement with him. your eyes may never be the same.
  11. Oh you put up AR and it will run up to 20 in a blink. I would say if the multiple AR threads were added together it would be over the crossbow total....bet it would be close though...lol
  12. If Savage doesn't cough up a new stock, I would use the liquid 2 part epoxy. the one that comes with the mixing tip and quick set. tap off the inside, turn it upside down and inject the whole. Let it fully cure and drill a small pilot hole. If it looks super smooth in there I would try to score the sides of the hole with something to key the epoxy into the stock so it doesn't want to spin when putting the screw in.
  13. I didn't reference anything about deer population . I meant number of hunters that pursue them. They are the most popular big game animal.
  14. Moog, does it just screw into the plastic or into metal on the inside?
  15. http://www.boydsgunstocks.com/ProductDetail/43A694C06111
  16. If you went by the number of hunters pursuing them, I guess he would be right.
  17. In Post 270 I was detailing what I believed you were alluding to in you final question of the post. If it wasn't, that was my error.
  18. If you are in an area where you can get doe tags, I can't see a reason. If that buck tag is the only thing in your pocket and you aren't in prime area, pretty hard to say "don't" . Me and my hunting buddies have 9 deer in the freezer.. Not a horn in the bunch. We are lucky to have an area where you walk around with a pocket full of doe tags. I have hunted in parts of the state where it could be years before you see a horn.
  19. Bottom line is a large section of the hunting public don't believe the Govt has their interest or the interest of the wildlife at heart. They carry that over to changes in policy and regulations and having a "they are great, do it all the time and just trust their conclusions" doesn't foster trust or acceptance. Perception is everything and all of NY Govt and agencies are perceived as underhanded and back room.
  20. It is a business model fro him. If the average Joe has a choice of paying big bucks for a lease with an ok chance to take a good buck or pay about the same to have a much better chance on a preserve, it helps his business. The more expensive normal free range hunting is and the more difficult access is the better for the farms.
  21. I would expect that non hunting land owners would wise up pretty quickly once their acquaintances and fellow farmers start making good money for leasing their land. Friend has a 2 week Illinois lease. 200 acres $10,000. and it isn't exclusive.
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