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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. My boxes were clearly marked. I don't know why, but reading the P I an envisioning a bag of loose shells
  2. I actually just grabbed a 100 box a couple months ago and Gander of low brass game loads and thyme were steel. Is there any writing on the shells at all?
  3. Is it even legal to use the words "state" and "profitable" in the same sentence? Gotta be a felony/
  4. I guess anyone can believe what they wish but I have never seen any indication that NY is willing to use any resource that is on State land. Why wouldn't they have placed windmills on there during that boom? Why haven't they utilized the vast timber? (I wish they would do that, talk about increasing the habitat for the wildlife)
  5. Ny won't log the ADK's you really think they would have drilled on state land if this had gone through? No way.
  6. I know, we have had that discussion. I was simply drawing a parallel.
  7. I don't see that. How about this. "It's hypocritical to Legislate or Mandate someone to shot a spike and be willing to shoot a 2.5. They still aren't mature deer, more mature but no mature. I actually have a bigger issue saying you can't shoot a spike or 4 and then take a 1.5 year old 6 or 8. To me there is no difference.
  8. Do you believe these same folks could apply that logic to say, Voter ID's? It is our right to vote but should take some responsibility to prove we are who we say we are? I have heard the argument that that would unfairly put burden on the poor or urban population. The same clams could be made for things like pistol and gun permits and those have real costs but one could argue are more needed by the urban poor than any other demographic. I am just so sick of all politics that is done under the cover of night and behind closed doors. I would have more respect for the "Anti's" if they laid out there proposal, tapped one of their "bought and paid fors" on the shoulder to sponsor it and changed the Constitution, rather than side stepping it. If the support they claim is there, is really there, it shouldn't be a problem. THAT is how our government is supposed to work. (OK, I interrupt my delusional fantasy with our regularly scheduled posts)
  9. Here is my stance. It is Constitutionally guaranteed. There is also a process to change the constitution. If they want it changed then go through the process. PERIOD. The constant sidesteps around the constitution are what I really have an issue with. Lay out what they want in detail and set it as the new standard. Let the people decide.
  10. Well that was a one, two knock out punch for the southern tier yesterday. No fracking and no casino.
  11. Anyone that didn't see this result coming in NY was kidding themselves. What I find more humorous is the lack of attention being paid to the timing of the decision. I would guarantee that this "report" was all set to go well before November 4th. Funny it had to wait until after the election. Also, you would think Cuomo would have had the balls to put it out there himself rather than being delivered by his lacky.
  12. Take your time and baby steps. It isn't that difficult.
  13. I don't mean this in a harsh or argumentative way, but if you think you have an approach or product that is better and will be more widely received than huntingNY, I suggest you start up your own website.
  14. Did she have any other signs of distress or injury except for the coyote attack or did she seem otherwise healthy?
  15. I thoroughly understand that. I was saying the pistol permit information should have protection as well. Criminal activity shouldn't
  16. I had no issue with the paper printing, I have an issue with the information being available under FOIL. Should everyone's info from their taxes and income be available? How about religious contributions? How about medical information?
  17. Arrests for criminal activity are customarily published. News papers and police departments do it all the time. Still apes and oranges because of criminal charges.
  18. the difference being that one list committed crimes.
  19. It isn't a regulation for migratory in general but is enforced and valid on Federal preserves.
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