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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Who has said ANYTHING about a child unsupervised? The law is under 12 can't even do it supervised.
  2. If we took into account all possibilities for something going wrong we might as well not leave the house. Well maybe that wouldn't even work with all the dangers in a home. Don't get me wrong guys. I am with Phade on what this Dad did being totally stupid. But maybe Steve is right. With Dad letting me shoot that squirrel, maybe it is his fault I have turned into the wild outlaw that I am...lol. I do know one thing and this I can sleep very well knowing. When my daughter turns 21 and has her CC permit. I will know that she can handle a firearms and stands a very good chance at protecting herself. She won't hunt, but loves to shoot. Maybe I should have had her take a squirrel before she had a chance to watch Bambi.
  3. Grow. I think that was a full auto weapon that kid had with no prior Experience. Steve. As far as liability I wasn't worried about it. I taught her as I was taught. The fist time shooting isn't a semi 06 from a standing position. There was handling exercises while she just went with me. Then 22 from a bench. Then prone. Then kneeling then standing. After thousands of 22 rounds we moved up calibers and then onto pistols.
  4. Supervised must be 12. That was the one I meant. Personally they can kiss my left butt cheek on that one.
  5. Mandatory AR's and QDM are not the same thing. I commented to you based on your QDM comments.
  6. I don't see that. I see the larger racks as a byproduct of a more mature deer. And equal or more important goal to someone that wants a full freezer could be the larger body size and more meat as well. Take a look at this 1.5 taken the same day, on the same property as the 3.5/4.5 (Never jaw aged it). They are hung from the exact same height.
  7. but the 10-11 even supervised is not kosher...no?
  8. Call me chicken but I am waiting to see a ruling on the components above. I'd it flys an AR10 is next on the purchase list
  9. Have you done any reading on what QDM is? Not how some selectively practice parts of it but the entire concept?
  10. I can tell just from the pictures that will be verrrrrrrrrrrrrry unsafe to eat. it should be disposed of right away. PM me an address and I will swing by to pick it up for disposal so you don't have to be bothered. Didn't figure that would work. Have a recipe? That looks awesome.
  11. I need a set of handcuffs put on me. To be totally honest my Father let me shoot a squirrel when I was only 10. I was out with him, it was sitting there. I asked if he would please let me and that crook of an old man actually let me squeeze the trigger on that .410. He also used to let me jump on brush piles for him to chase the rabbits out. Must be some kind of driving rabbits or assisting in a Rabbit hunt Law we broke on that one....Seriously, If the kid was with his Dad and the Dad tagged it, there probably wouldn't have been a ticket even written, IMO. NY is way behind in allowing youth to participate. Breaking the law, yes.
  12. Agreed, but those outside factors will have an impact across all ages in the area so you should see similar or at least proportional increases or decreases.
  13. I'd agree Gman, except that the high do population areas seem to be the areas with very limited access. out of area hunters would be hard pressed to find land to hunt.
  14. Not entirely true. At 2.5 you can have a decent idea of potential, barring outside factors. (Those same outside factors will impact all age classes in that area as well, though) http://www.qdma.com/articles/will-he-be-a-good-one-next-year
  15. I would still be going at the season in a very similar way. Hunting camp would still be the same. What might change is for Bow. I would end up filling my tags quicker. Since I wouldn't be waiting on a buck I would shoot the does that I let walk by on some of the days. I would just fill the tags and be done during bow. Then it would be to the swamps for duck and maybe get a bird dog again. Been missing my Springer. Maybe fall trout or salmon.
  16. Are you talking about the process of quality deer management or the actual organization QDMA? One is an organization and one isn't.
  17. But if the end goal as so many has said here is hunting and harvesting a mature deer, why not take him? The other half of the rack didn't make him smarter and he a a dumber , easier animal to hunt since he lost it?
  18. Call Andy and thank him. He did that at the same time he lowered our equivalent of the Super Sportsman by that entire whopping ONE dollar.
  19. I don't know about your outfitter, but some I have read aren't allowing them. Must be a scent thing. I would check because they do work great.
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