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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to everyone. Stay safe, hold the family tight and enjoy
  2. My buddy is wishing he spent a few bucks extra to go to 12' high. We are redoing a few of his trusses to raise a ceiling section because he bought a hydraulic vehicle lift and it needs 11'-8" for the clearance. He also wanted a loft storage area and the 12' would have worked better. I think it was a very small amount to go from 10-12'. he is kicking himself...lol.
  3. He could be looking at a sale price that is a factor of 5 above what you listed. Damned fine pistol right there. A good friend has one and I have shot it on a couple of outings. Like driving a Ferrari.
  4. Wouldn't it have been easy enough to add inspection cost the permit costs?
  5. Try 84 too. if you can make it work, letting that under slab stone sit for a year really helps minimize any settlement. nice 20 yard indoor range.....lol
  6. Helped a buddy put one up. It was a kit. wasn't to bad once you got it sorted out. We opted to put the posts in using 3-- 2x6's laminated and fingered. into 3 pressure treated laminated and fingered buried posts. Worked much easier than standing up full sized 6x6 posts. I think he got his kit from 84 Lumber. His was a 30x40. OH doors on both ends and a man door out to a 10x40 covered porch on one side. If you are going to pour a slab in it. I suggest getting a 2x4" Pressure Treated board to run all around the inside of the posts for a 4" slab. Makes it easier to place concrete at the edges and keep it level.
  7. Maybe it was just a breeding facility. Inside that fence doesn't sound like a bad deal to me...lol
  8. Dairy cow or beef? Nice big ol' plump Angus strolls by....well I might have to think about it. lol
  9. looks awesome. Was the jerky done in a smoker or a dehydrator?
  10. I would think No different that pheasants on a preserve. They are under preserve rules until they fly off the property then it reverts to normal game regulations. Pheasants can be taken on the preserves for a longer season and without any sex restrictions. Technically if a wild bird wandered in there is could be taken on preserve rules. That whitetail would have been legally safe if the season had not been open around the farm. I would think that if it were a species that didn't naturally occur in the area it would be another story. Anyone know what happened to those guys that shot the escaped Elk a while back?
  11. Really wasn't busting you chops. I had a little one too and worked out of town. Time is at a premium. I can understand not having the time to take part but I don't understand it when the protests are talked down. It was a protest. it wasn't some random people strolling through Target. And even though a random stroll wouldn't be illegal I also don't think it would be a very good idea. As part of a demonstration I don't have an issue.
  12. Would have to look into it. I am not sure an officer could pull you over and just ask to see your drivers license without justification.
  13. Do you think taking an active roll even participating in protests would put you family at risk?
  14. There is the fault in the comment. That thought you posted is why so many take no exception to infringement.
  15. no, but it sure can be one indicator. Especially if the concern is deer drives. Edit, Let me add that state land with no vehicles parked that are also a pretty good indicator.
  16. Couple points. Again, I don't see all the pressure that keeps getting tossed around here. I bet I didn't hear. 12 shots the whole last weekend of regular season and maybe half a dozen the weekend of ML (not counting the barrage that clearly was a shotgun). And in the areas that need this population reduction aren't we needing not a "shoot all you see" but a "shoot all you have tags for"? I know quite a few guys that sat on their doe permits until later in the season and then couldn't fill them. Their tag, their call, but they shouldn't complain when DEC takes other measures to reach the harvest goals. Biggest hurdle I see in the high population areas is access. Don't know how hunters/DEC will overcome that one.
  17. I don't think a state wide regulation is the answer. In WMU's where the population still needs further reduction, they could implement a special season to address any population issues. The shedding of antlers is always a concern. Would hate to see one that made it through get tagged on an antlerless. If population is the driving force in the discussion it needs to be localized and target does.
  18. Rob, Do you hunt late muzzleloader? G-man has a good point because the 2 weeks off lets the deer return to a less pressured pattern, like you start to see in ML season. This weekend I saw deer feeding in fields well before sunset. That is about 2 weeks since the end of regular season and less than a week since the end of ML in my area.
  19. They are 23 year old guys that worked for my company and went through our apprenticeship program. Pipe welders and from Maryland. They answered and ad, bought a camper and headed up. Any locals that had the skill sets were working too. Plus the supporting businesses.
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