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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Can them. The silverskin and tendons gelatinize and pick out very easily when using it.
  2. When I put my new truck in reverse I'd see the ground in my backup camera if the tail gate was down...lol. This is the first truck I've had a cover on and love it. Only issue is the seal on the cover to the tail gate applies so much pressure the push button tail gate opener on the key fob won't work. It releases the lock but the gate doesn't fall.
  3. GMan posted the alternative. I wouldn't put money on it being a extension if I were you. I believe you will see the alternative.
  4. perspective. It can be an additional hunting opportunity if they make a change that lets you see more deer.
  5. If they want to open up opportunity they should join what almost all the other states do. Go to a half hour before sunrise to a half hour after sunset. Adds an hour a day (when most deer move anyway).
  6. the way I was understanding it was there wouldn't be that normal late week. The week would get "shifted" into the new location. Edit" And I don't care where you are int he state but the last week of firearms is A LOT less pressure than the first weeks.
  7. "come march, learn to shoot, train and die for the Country at 18 carrying a gun we give you" but you can't buy one for yourself until 21.
  8. honestly that break would give them a little more time to get to more normal patterns (on food) . Increase chances to see them during shooting hours. I see much better movement in that late week just with the normal downturn in pressure during the late gun
  9. I'm concerned about the bucks that shed as well.
  10. I'd bet you'd see it used int he high density areas where they never hit their harvest goals.
  11. ok, lets look at population. 9 white guys shot for every 1 black guy. That is 10% black shot. Blacks are just over 13% of the population. Seems to me that the point he made was valid. if you look at the numbers based on the population based on violent crime by race they are shot at a FAR fewer percentage.
  12. On the bright side, Lee, You'll have 4 more years to bitch about Trump to keep you busy.
  13. WOW. Glad you can though ok. Heal up.
  14. Just wanted to put this out there again. Here is an interesting way to support the VDC and not cost you a penny, if you shop with Amazon. You can go through their "Smile" portal and fro every qualified purchase, Amazon donates 0.5% to the selected not for profit. Here is how yo do it. . Here's how to shop AmazonSmile: Visit smile.amazon.com. Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials. Search for / Select the "Venison Donation Coalition" as your charity Change your bookmark to take you to your account at smile.Amazon.com This costs nothing to the purchaser.
  15. I'm more of a "gut and put it on the wheeler" guy...lol
  16. The FBI consolidated criminal database if a lot older than 2 years. Edit---meaning it give a lot better insight into the likelihood that blacks will be involved in altercations with police.
  17. SO what is the percentage of officer involved shootings based on race and based on the percentage of violent felonies based on race? I'll get you started. Blacks make up about 13 % of the population.
  18. you better go back to school and brush up on you bio. Did you miss Steve's comment of a heartbeat?
  19. Apparently he is using something that is someone else's without their permission. Almost the definition of a liberal.
  20. but you love Biden's communist party. Romney does not hold the values of a Republican. The biggest reason why Trump is in office you can thank the President that you bow to the alter of. Obama. He and his policies and views put Trump in office. When you push a pendulum so far in one direction, don't act surprised when it swings back past center.
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