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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Ammo is fine. Sale must be at a FFL with background check
  2. Too little too late. Guess you have a choice if you don't like it
  3. I would believe just like a other bows the late season and early season share tags and in the late season you can fill a regular season tag then as well
  4. And if he really read it and believes it doesn't impact him they he should probably ask for a refund from SU
  5. That was kind of my point. His pro Cuomo vote is doing just that to is but he can't see it
  6. Take his guns away then. he doesn't deserve them. NO gun owners I know are pro safe act or pro Cuomo.
  7. That approval is all part fo the design and permitting process. No need for him to contact anyone other than a licensed septic contractor.
  8. Forgot those downstate libs don't mind that water...lol. Is that the furthest north Res that they have?
  9. Doesn't that Schoharie county area all run north?
  10. no problem. Let us know how you make out. Curious how outdated I am...lol
  11. Not going to derail the thread but did you ask him if he read it?
  12. curious. They hate them over what issues and where are they from?
  13. Oh he will be fine. It isn't that difficult to cut and paste the same thing to each of them over and over. He will keep up.
  14. As NY's leading pro-2nd group the proper response should have been to take a clean up position in the speaking line up and correct anything the organization did not agree with and firmly state their stance. Not bail on the Rally. I also don't agree with his view that rallies are not needed anymore. I believe they are needed even more now to let all the elected officials know we are still here and haven't forgotten. The legal fight does not decrease because the rallies take place. Bottom line, as some on here have said, we are not going to win this alone. we need other focus groups to bring voters to the booth in support of a candidate other than Andy. We don't need to "publically" tie the two positions together and risk alienating voters because of that public teaming, but we need them there.
  15. Same story, different faces. The story you are about to see is true, the names have been changed to protect the innocent...lol. I think if everyone spent as much time hunting as they did worrying about how others hunt, the "book" couldn't keep up with all the new entries
  16. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/rifle-pistol-association-president-skip-pro-gun-rally-article-1.1739917
  17. That is a ball park not knowing the variables. Don't do anything without 3 prices that you know are apples to apples in scope. Also make sure the contractor is taking care of all permitting and scheduling inspections.
  18. There may be minimum sizes mandated by the local authorities but is access and digging isn't too bad I would bet between 1,500 and 3,000. If access and stone supply is and issue as them about an arch system.
  19. There are actually a lot of variables that play in other than "the property has passed a perc test." Are you going to be able to get by on a 1,000-1,250 gallon system?
  20. is it brand new construction or redoing an existing one?
  21. Might help some of the guys to pinpoint a butcher for you if you were more specific with your location. Western NY is a fairly large area.
  22. Agreed, but I have seen it both ways. many ice fishing derbies are not a catch and release scenario.
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