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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. If Vegas was running odds on which one is proven at some point, the Squatch would be the far bigger long shot. IMO
  2. And actually the several folks (women) from Whitehall match the eye witness accounts
  3. Well thank you Mr. Obvious...lol. I get it Biz. You have stated your position many times on the forum on many other topics. If it doesn't effect you personally or have any bearing on your banking accounts, you can care less and can't be bothered. I get it.
  4. Let's look at it this way. Just looking at the votes for Cuomo from the down state counties in that blue blob of $hit. those were 2,636,961. ALL votes for Molinaro in the entire state 2,207,602.
  5. I get it. but it doesn't change the fact that the most population dense areas in NY (specifically down state) are very liberal becasue of the programs and handouts. SO they rule. I get that. We live in a Lib state. My point to Biz on the late term abortion is that it doesn't matter what the majority wants. It doesn't make it right and and his assertion that we should just quit belly aching and put up with it because it isn't important and the majority wanted it because they put Cuomo in power is one of the most asinine things I have heard on this site.
  6. Democrat controlled cities. and if you look at the blue down state results it was won there
  7. I didn't but unfortunately there are too many libs as your neighbors in downstate. I guess we just disagree what is a waste and what is important. Fair enough.
  8. So because it is law everyone is suppose to just wring our hands and put up with it? Slavery was a law too. 3/5 of a person? Women and non land owners not allowed to vote? All good with those too?
  9. We should get some of us together to do it.
  10. That is a 3 bid all day long...lol
  11. I am seeing quite a few guys on the TC forums are actually filling the tupperware stocks with spray foam. not much weight add but gets rid of that hollow noise that happens whenever anything hits them. A guy gave me a set to use with the ladies on the field to fork program because they were much lighter than mine. They worked good but I couldn't believe the noise when a branch hit them while we were walking. Sounded like a base drum
  12. Hey hey now. I know mine is as heavy as a V8 engine with the laminate stocks you don't like but it ain't that bad.
  13. No but he did stay in a holiday Inn once.
  14. Need some more donations and chase some more underwriting but for the most part its in good shape. The last week before is the nuts week. getting supplemental purchases done once we see where all the donations are. Then printing all the signage. Online ticket sales is ahead of last year this far out so I think we may hit a new high and I'll have to close the ticket sales or squeeze more tables in. I don't like it crowded and no walking room though.
  15. The one manual I have is the Lee manual . I really think it does a great job of walking someone through step by step so you understand not only what to do but why you are doing it. I am not going to be working up any loads and I have two others, but let's meet up and I'll let you borrow it to read through it. Great time of year to do this...lol
  16. with what I have seen you do with archery equipment. This won't even compare. You are organized and precise and you have the perfect area to set up up so it isn't going up and down all the time. The one manual I have is the Lee manual . I really think it does a great job of walking someone through step by step so you understand not only what to do but why you are doing it. I am not going to be working up any loads and I have two others, but let's meet up and I'll let you borrow it to read through it. Great time of year to do this...lol
  17. smaller case calibers will be even less and magnums and big bore could be more. The # for powder figured about 55 grains of powder per round. My 357 I load 9...lol For my my -06 and 270 are my biggest cases and worst case scenario.
  18. Honestly the biggest expense (besides the reloading equipment) is the brass. Let me use my -06 as an example. sierra game king bullets like I hunt with Bullets .28 per Primers .03 per Powder .23 per Total .54 a round and could go cheaper for plinking. Winchester brass is about .50 a round but lets say we just get 5 reloads out of it (I get more). That is .10 a round for brass. .64 per round . That is $12.80 a box of 20
  19. Retail is about 1500. I have seen them on sale as low as 1,100. You should have taken the 2k...lol
  20. It works perfectly as a single stage by just removing the index rod. The RCBS dies fit in the turret basses just fine and the nice part is once set up, as long and you aren't changing the bullets in the load, it literally takes seconds to switch calibers, I load with the same powder in the 270 and the -06. I can switch a complete set of dies between those two in about 15 seconds and not adjusting of dies needed. Watch a video. It will do what you want both ways. IN turret mode once I am set up and can load about 200-250 rounds of 223 or 357 mag in an hour.
  21. Midway just had the Lee Turret kit on sale for $197
  22. Nope. We have to slide a lot further down the rabbit hole before that happens. There are too many not informed and on the dole to ever bite the hand that feeds them.
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