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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. They sell suspension locks for the IRS models. I made one for my sportsman and the 500 Traxter Bombardier. The traxter is solid read axle but still digs deeper when I am pulling things like the grader I made and the york rake. SO we locl the rear suspension so the hitch stays at a constant height.
  2. I've got a 2003 500HO sportsman. I't been bullet proof. Aside from a couple belts and batteries, I haven't done a thing to it.
  3. I think it follows the same line that Pitch and Euchre does...lol
  4. All of our Captain's Table spots are sold out. We still have some general seating. The early bird for the General Raffle tickets is past but it isn't too late to attend. This is our only annual fundraiser and we really make an effort to do good work with the funds. I know you won't be disappointed in the event. 19 orphaned firearms are finding a new home that night. https://www.qdma.com/event/greater-rochester-s-tier-7th-annual-banquet-ny/?instance_id=904
  5. Best part for me is the trigger traveling with the lever. If you have even got a lazy finger with a Winchester 94 and left it in there while you cocked it, you will know why. Love the box magazine so all "pointed" bullets are fine. And I like the rotary bolt
  6. Yeah, I am not buying or meeting someone to sell with a new account with no info
  7. The problem is so many of the Rep's don't want it to really happen becasue of the big money supporting them that profit from the illegal invasion. It is big business on both sides of the isle. It was like the Republicans that kept voting against Obamacare when he was in office knowing it would be vetoed so they were safe voting against it. Once the President changed so did their "very vocal support" for reversing it. They ALL suck.
  8. I do believe he is within his right to declare it an national emergency. I do not believe any president should have the ability to manipulate the purse strings. That is the role of the House. I just can't get behind backroom money deals just like I couldn't support the last president with his "I have a phone and a pen" approach.
  9. Last day for Early Bird General Raffle tickets and the Banquet is just a week away. Don't miss out. Currently the General Raffle has 40 packages with an average value of over $170, including 6 guns. We have also finalized a dice roll game with a chance at winning an $10,000 ATV or $10,000 in cash. There are also many other prizes in this game that are guaranteed to be awarded.
  10. wouldn't that have lifted the camp up and pull the pipe apart rather than pushing the toilet up?
  11. It absolutely could be frost heave on the line. if that goes through the floor and underground, but no below frost line and then a horizontal run. Is it dirt below that floor? Ours did the same thing at camp and it may not be a standing water issue. some soils are very susceptible to frost heavy. Have you ever walked around your camp are and seem tall frost and soil formations grow from the surface of the ground just over night on a very very cold night? Ours was bolted down and the T bolts were pulled right through the PVC flange.
  12. I shot one in Canada. Was a big female at about 240. She was 6.5 (Fall Weight)
  13. Is there a PA chest girth chart for that too? ...lol
  14. You wouldn't want to smell or taste the ones that live in the dumps. lol
  15. one of the 48 in the NZ Muzzleloader was me...lol And one of 6 that week in 5H. I would have expected more in 5H. Big area with good population.
  16. I did it on purpose one muzzleloader season. I watched this group of does come out into the field for two nights, same spot and same time. The wind was right so the third night I slipped into the hedge row about 45 minutes before their schedule appearance. Here they came right on cue. The biggest in the lead and she came in to 40 yards perfectly broadside. I raised my Encore and settled in for the shot. I was just sitting on a rock wall with my elbows on my knees. Perfect sitting position. I was just about to squeeze the trigger and another doe walked right up to her on the far side. They had to be standing within inches of each other and were so lined up that the legs were all that looked different. Since I had 2 doe tags I figured why not. Every deer I have shot with the shockwaves has passed through. so I squeezed. and deer on the far side folded in her tracks and the one closest to me took off on a dash. She ran about 60 yards to the wood line and tumbled. Both were perfect placement but the deer on the far side had a golf ball sized entry hole and a bigger exit hole. The close one was about the same size in and out. That told me what I suspected. The shockwaves weren't expanding as much or quickly as I wanted.
  17. All, I have dealt with Savagehunter previously, Stand up guy. No worries on a sale here.
  18. It is usually right above the cylinder latch and it didn't look like there was one in the pic.. Just wanted to know if it did or didn't. Not a fan of those.
  19. Larry, This is PRE those stupid internal keyed locks right?
  20. and honestly some comments on the thread bumps the for sale item back to the top.
  21. But none of the other 93% is specifically tagged for conservation as far as I know. Honestly I would like to see the other outdoor recreation taxed at the same level that we are. Maybe Andy can start there rather than making drugs legal.
  22. If society hits that wall, hunting will not be phase one. There are too many folks to be supported by hunting. That won't be viable until the riots and taking from your neighbor phase is done and the population is reduced.
  23. Friday is the deadline for the Early Bird General Raffle Tickets. Don't miss out. Right now it looks like at least 40 General raffle packages and the Average value is over $150 each.
  24. Wonderful Shooting!!! Especially since that isn't a fully supported gun rest. Not like she was on a bench in bags. Glad to hear she wasn't bothered by it. I have that 22 mag if you want to take her up a step at any point. We can also soft load some 223 for her too. Love seeing new shooters.
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