I hunt 3A and 3H, both are now AR WUMs. 3H has been for about 3 seasons and 3A just started this season.
When I started deer hunting around 16 years old (now 29), I used to see at LEAST 10 deer a season in the woods.
4-5 seasons ago DEC totally stopped issuing DMPs for 3A and 3H, and still have not given them out to this day.
3 seasons ago I saw 5 bear and NO deer.
2 seasons ago, I saw 3 bear and one doe.
Last season I saw NOTHING!
This year I saw a doe opening day and that's all I can say for putting over 75+ hours in the woods this season so far.
The areas I hunt just plain suck now. I don't know if its the warm weather or what ever.
I'm not a deer biologist, but to answer your question, there is no over-population problems here.
EDIT: Also, there are food sources all over the place that are never even touched. Tons of apples/acorn/browse all over my area.