Oh yes... I remember that. She broke it over my arm once cause I shielded my head. She busted out laughing about it and forgot about why she was so mad at me, thank God.
Anytime I really like a post I have clicked the "Like" button on it, but today I got this message: "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"
That normal? Just seems kinda odd. How many "Likes" can we have a day?
Depends on what you want to do, a shoulder or neck mount. If you want a shoulder mount, make sure you leave the taxidermist plenty of extra hide to do what he needs to do. I suggest staying a couple inches back from the shoulders to be safe.
Hi slayer, welcome to the site.
The DEC map tool is good for finding state land, u can find the tool here: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/45415.html
And dont forget about NYC DEP lands as well (some DEP lands require a permit, make sure you check): http://www.nyc.gov/html/dep/html/recreation/recreation_maps.shtml
Why is it when people talk about white tails they always speak of the deer in points, like 6 pointer, 12 pointer, etc...
BUT, when people talk about mule deer, its always 4x4, or 6x6, etc?
Anyone know?
Just curious...
All the locals by me post all their properties just as I do. You have a twisted way of thinking, at least as far as where I come from. When I see a posted sign, I respect it. I never trespass on posted properties, but if I see no signs, its free game. I guess it depends where you're from?
Okay, after reading another post here on the forums, it occurred to me that I have never scored my biggest buck (I mounted it because it was also my first buck).
What's your guess? I will score it this weekend. Person closest to the right number WINS! (Possible prize to the winner, I have to look at see what I have)