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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. A lot less predator hunters out there, less of a safety issue is my take. Then again it only takes 1 time 1 bullet to cause an accident.
  2. Those are nice! I have a Browning compound that goes way back. Thing is heavy. My FIL passed away a year ago at 81 and was a Korean war vet and huge hunter/fisherman. I know what your going through. It's nice to find old stuff of theirs hidden away.
  3. BTW the crap you see in the fire pit is from Doe and Steve. They don't keep a clean cabin.........
  4. I have seen big bucks swim across swaps to avoid hunters. You have to drive them. Learn the escape routes and don't overlook the obvious escape that you might just pass on. The biggest and the best live here and they will outwit you.
  5. Just got back from camp. Had the resident bear take apart a camera but got 1 shot before he finished. Also had a pict of real nice wide 6 point. Cleared his ears on each side by a good amount. Would of post them but my flash drive crapped out. It will have to wait. My kids got to see the bear at 3pm eating raspberries along our power lines, that was cool. We shot bow, ate venison, hit the ice cream shop every other day and did a little antiquing. The telephone pole is really getting ripped up from the bear. He goes about 5 foot and has a bald spot on his butt. The girls call him Bear-Ass lol. Michaela learned how to mow the lawn and Ted drive the quad! My older one is deadly at 20 yards with her bow. Here comes the safety course this year! (Dad can't wait!)
  6. We saw Hunter Hayes and Dustin Lynch last night, both were great. Just amazing how Hunter at the age of 21 is so talented. He cranked out country, rock and deep southern blues! A picture of Me and my girls! The older one melted when he took stage................off to the cabin in an hour!
  7. An outfitter in Ohio gave my BIL a recipe for a mineral pit. You should see the pictures of the deer in "Ohio" digging at the pit when there is really nothing left or at least seems to be.
  8. Nice milestone, enjoy! My parents celebrated their 60th last month. They traced their honeymoon back to Lake Placid at the Mirror lake in. Needless to say they were treated like royalty!!
  9. Happy Birthday to our little firecracker! (sorry if cracker offended you lol)
  10. I never post something from a realtor but I know this place and it's a smoking hot hunting area. Not a bad price either. I have shot my biggest bucks on adjoining property. Take a look- http://www.cabinstocastlesre.com/bin/web/real_estate?ZKEY=&acnt=AR120631&action=HOME_SEARCH&inwindow=&hs_action=VIEW_DETAIL&listing_id=REAP02668860&start=25&grp=ALL
  11. http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/lateral-line/2013/07/record-rockfish-was-alive-during-first-july-4th-celebration?cmpid=enews070313&spPodID=020&spMailingID=5555910&spUserID=MTMxMDk2MjUwMTUS1&spJobID=324344210&spReportId=MzI0MzQ0MjEwS0
  12. That is some nice footage. Yea they will fade into the abyss come October.......
  13. Sounds good but illegal to do so. Can't feed them minerals.........
  14. The 4th is with the family, the 5th at a Hunter Hayes/Lonestar concert then up to camp for 6 days with my girls. Campfires, fishing, shooting and more of the great stuff we do up there! I hope everyone enjoys the 4th, be safe!
  15. I know people that hear them out east at night. They are around for sure.
  16. looks great but don't think I could eat it raw.
  17. One of the reasons(among many) I'm divorced. She came from a family of hunters you would of thought she got it. A lot worse things a man could be doing...........get over it.
  18. Nice Sam! Bears on my property break the pine trees in half when they do that back scratching. Great picts!
  19. Guy down the street has a tombstone on his front lawn "Here lies the last dog that shit on my lawn" love it!
  20. Obama pledges $7 billion to upgrade power in Africa Student loan rates doubling on Monday
  21. Sorry about your loss. May his memories stay deep inside you.
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