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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Totally get what your saying. The problem I have with the crossbow is that it is heavy and I recommend a sling. It is a bit awkward being that it is cocked all the time. This is my first year and I know I'll figure out all these things.
  2. When you have to look for a deer you shot for 4 hours you see more than going back and forth to stand. My place is rubbed and scraped all over.
  3. Good deal! I really hope full inclusion happens next year. Go to your doctor and fill out the form. Buddy's father down the road shot a dandy with xbow. He is disabled and I just loved he got the deer. Congrats and good luck with shoulder. Last night was my first with Xbow.
  4. Found the deer this morning. Had to be at work at 9:45 so I hunted to 7:45 and got down to look. Found nothing until 8:25. The deer was right next to the road. It was a perfect shot but being so close arrow went through one lung and out the stomach. Not once did I find stomach content in blood. I just got home from work and backtracked its path. Only blood was where it bedded or fell. Crazy shit. First pict is entrance.
  5. No all happened so quick. I hit her low, no vitals. Headed out at 6 to look for a few more hours.
  6. I hit one tonight with crossbow. Just about to get down and here she comes. 10 yards perfect shot. Did not find her. Shot was a pass through. Found arrow with blood and hair. But at impact site there was just little drops of blood. I followed for twenty yard and found a spot here and there. She stood at one point and left a lot of blood but clots were in it. One speck after that and that was it. Thinking I hit her low in the chest no vitals. We looked for 2.5 hours and I'll look again tomorrow. Terrible luck this year with both bows. I shoot and practice just not coming together!
  7. I've been bit a few times. Last year had on attached just like you. Got it out and called the doctor. He sent in Doxycycline the pharmacy without even seeing him. It all worked out. That 10 pt we got last Saturday was loaded with them.
  8. First-light


    Yeah always good to bring up. I fell last year, I was lucky just sore. Hope he is ok. Thank you!!!
  9. Big 10 Saturday morning. Brother had 5 buck chasing a Doe yesterday in 8S. One was a shooter. I have scrapes and rubs all over. I still think main action will be next week into gun.
  10. Brother and Nephew both used Tinks 69 the last few days. The big 10 pt was coming in to smell the bottle. My brother used it at two active scrapes. Had multiple deer come in but no shooters. I say it is one of the better lures out there.
  11. I scared by that. I almost came back to my house last week. Made a fire and left for the stand. Heard the fire whistle go off and it made me pause. I shook it off! I hear you though.
  12. We ate the heart last night. So tender. Fried, salt, pepper, garlic, onions and Olive oil.
  13. Well we didn't miss today!! Nephew shot a great 10 pt at 7:27! This morning.
  14. 2/4 of us switch over today. I'm hoping to stay in the woods most of the day. Going to be a bit warm but whatever. Love the xbow!
  15. Hey got a bit closer last night, took a shot and had hair on the arrow. No blood but that all goes out the window this morning with the xbow!
  16. The boys are here for 4 days. One of the new stands has scrapes about 50 yards further in the woods. My buddy brought a climber to hunt over the scrapes. Don't you know it the buck came out under the ladder stand last night! I wouldn't move it.
  17. Between the 4 of us tonight we saw 5 doe and 2 bucks. My brothers son inlaw missed a bear at 30 yards. Yes a miss.....lol better than pissing him off.
  18. Chris I shot today at the house dead on 10, 20 no problem. I have shot my share of big deer with the bow but most within 15 yards. Don't worry crossbow comes out Saturday morning.
  19. I don't use Tinks anymore. My brother does and has good success. Not sure whats in it but I would think the same as you. I use Code Blue gel. As for the rut I have seen them seeking and had a buck locked onto doe last night. Using the scent too early will cause Doe to blow or avoid the area. Now is a good time to start. Next two weeks should be prime. GL
  20. You got that right! lol Boys come in at 10:00 for three days should be interesting!
  21. I am cause I missed three times this year with compound! lol will be my first year and I'm dialed in for 60 yards. Not that I would take that shot but just saying.
  22. Looks nice but I would go with the divorce and shoulder mount! lol
  23. Missed another Doe tonight. Right after that another Doe comes up with a buck 10 yards behind her. Locked on. He was a decent 8 but they turned and went out of shooting range.
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