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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by First-light

  1. OMG I was just thinking about this thread. My buddy called me the other day said the build was pushed back to 8/12. I said so now delivery mid Sept? He said hopefully sooner. They don't have the chips. He says he is so low on inventory its killing business. I can handle the delay because I have an existing truck that I'm just passing to my daughter. We are good friends he owns the dealership so I said any other customer would be jumping up and down....I ordered in May. I want some free shit!!!
  2. I have 5 on the property and love them. Singles are 20' double I believe is 16'.
  3. Look guys I was talking about a kiss on the cheek not grabbing ass and such. You all missed my point. Yes it"s not tolerated any more I get that and shouldn't be. He needs to go so pile on!!! lol
  4. I am not defending him one bit. There will be some allegations that go way over the top. For this he needs to leave. But last night I saw a woman crying on CNN saying that he kissed her on the cheek without asking. We all know how warm Italians are, my wife's side of the family everybody kissed everybody! lol My good friend is an admin at a school district on L.I. She worked with him and his team and did a presentation. In the end he gave her a hug and a big old kiss on the cheek. Not one person commented and she didn't mind.
  5. Totally! Catch a big one!
  6. You know in front of the light house is closed? That is the last info I heard. Army cor of engineers putting in more rocks. Please check it out but that is what all i know.
  7. That is awesome. Good for him. What beaches I'll keep an eye out for him.
  8. Sorry about that. Yes Demo opened up a week ago after the last Piper Plover nest was gone. Damn birds. Montauk awesome out there!
  9. Democrat point. These guys were the only ones catching fish.
  10. So my brother on L.I. is a surf rat. This is his rig. Guy pulls up next to him and has a drone that will drop bait at 400 yards off shore. I don't love the idea but wow aint that something.
  11. Get myself healthy to be able to take my Daughter out before college is here next year!
  12. Just when you thought the woods were the safest place in the world....this.
  13. I believe that gun will fetch between $1250 and $1750. 30" barrels.
  14. Tall baby tall! Great videos. Isn't crazy how that buck will put on a ton of weight, fur turns dark grey and the horns harden. He becomes a breeding machine in the fall!!!!
  15. Brother is away and doesn't want to deal with putting prices on the guns right now. This is all on me sorry about that. It will happen just give me some time.
  16. Me too. Got my landowner permit for 8P and an additional permit for 8s. Leased land over there.
  17. Ok I hear you guys I'll work on getting prices, my bad. Mod's please move the post to classified.
  18. He is in transit right now. I'll probably talk to him later today. You're right should have a price.
  19. He is looking for offers. That's all I can say.
  20. These are not my guns. They belong to my brother. I have no control on price or for some reason he changes his mind on the sale. Enjoy the pictures I'll try to answer any questions. FL
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