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New York Hillbilly

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About New York Hillbilly

  • Birthday 03/18/1959

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  1. I haven’t said anything about this in 9 days. So, I’m not sure why you decided to troll me? I would have anticipated this type of comment or behavior from a bunch that jumped ship for greener pastures, but shocks me coming from you. I didn’t realize there was any bad blood between us, or between me and anyone else on this site for that matter. Especially surprising from you, considering you previously writing to me about coming and hunting coyotes on my land. As far as breaking away from anyone in NY's teat, it’s not that simple. At my age, the thought of being forced to move away from ones children and grandchildren, with the prospect of being faced with dying alone is a sad reality. It's a hard decision for me make, as I suspect it was for the exodus of seniors (and others) who fled to Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Carolina’s, etc, to survive financially, leaving their family behind. The ammunition issue is just the icing on the proverbial cake for me. Learning or not learning to reload is not the rub for me in itself. It is being forced yet once again to suck it up, and find away around the bull$hit that comes from living in this State. Until I read your post to me, I did not plan to mention, or “complain about it” any further here. And, after this response to your question, I will make sure not to speak of it again. I try very hard to avoid being drawn into Pi$$ing contests and controversy these days. I have neither the time, patience, or interest in bickering with others after all that has gone on in the (and my) world over the past decade. I hope I answered your questions. I wish you well. Have a nice day. NYH
  2. I was just telling my new (this year) hunting buddy the same memory. I also remember being a little kid, watching and listening in awe as my uncles talked, told deer stories, and laughed while hanging deer in the garage. I remember the fire being lit in me at such a young age to be able to join their hunter ranks. I remember spending hours laying on my grandparents living room floor, reading Field and Stream, and Outdoor Life magazines, with my feet under the end table, keeping them warm by the air blowing out of the register, dreaming and wishing for me to get old enough to go hunting. There was no such thing as youth season back then, and for me the wait only fed my interest and desire for the day to come. I remember my uncles taking me target shooting every now and then before I was old enough to go hunting. I remember them teaching me about firearm safety, and telling me many times if they ever caught me doing something they thought was stupid or reckless with a firearm in my hands they would kick my ass and wrap the gun around my neck. And, I never doubted for a minute their love for me, their concern for my safety and those around us, and the reality that they would make good on their words. They kept me on the straight and narrow. (With me now 65 years old, I remember my uncles who are long since passed, with every approaching deer season, and every time I go hunting.) I remember walking to the armory in Utica when I was 14 to take my hunter safety course, and how proud I was walking home with my card saying I passed. I remember then buying my first hunting license. I remember my youngest uncle taking me to buy my first rifle, a Winchester .22, from a gun shop in Waterville, NY, and then letting me pay him back by working every weekend cutting insulation board for the roofing company where he was employed. I remember my first opening day of deer season with them, and every day they took me after that. I could go on and on. So many memories. On Thanksgiving day, I’m thankful for them.
  3. Good gravy! That buck has a body like a mule deer! Is the time correct, 10:45am?
  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you all, from a very snowy 7m.
  5. I like it. I would back up to it and use it as a back scratcher if it wouldn’t tip over. Better than the doorway!
  6. Lots of snow in my area of 7m. Deer moved a lot over night judging from the tracks. And I screwed my self up this morning second guessed getting in my usual stand to go higher in the hill. Only to watch a total of 8 deer, including a really decent buck, walk right past my stand I passed up. Lol. They actually then walked past my bow stand as well! Oh well! At least I’m seeing them again.
  7. I got home about 4pm, and to quite a sight. About 10-12 inches of heavy wet snow and slush. We made it into the driveway with a little go quick, hang on, slip, slide, and park it in the middle so you don’t wipe out the porch. I’ll take the tractor to it tomorrow when I get out of the woods. I hope my 4 wheeler gets me up the hill so I don’t have to sweat my rear off walking the whole way up. lol Good luck in the morning folks!
  8. What area? I’m headed back home to 7m this afternoon.
  9. For some reason my FB feed has been a steady daily page after page stream of deer recovered (and many of them not) by trackers with their dogs. It seems there are more and more every season. And, it’s not limited to bow hunting. Many of these stories are crossbow and firearms. Has anyone else ever noticed they always preface the story with excuse making like the deer jumped, hit a twig, limb hit the stand, etc etc etc? Never I f’d up, I took a shot I shouldn’t have, my nerves got the better of me, I shot to far, maybe I should have practiced more, and so on.
  10. No hunting for me until tomorrow afternoon. Road trip to see family in western part of state. It figures every time I plan this stuff the weather makes me wish I was staying put. Hunting today would have been interesting. I hope this sticks around!
  11. Second trip to Walmart to try to pick up my ammunition. After 45 minutes of waiting for four different associates I chased down to try and find “the only guy who can sign on to check” the status, I’m told “he is on lunch”. So here I am, yet more wasted time, gas back and forth, and a major jerk around. Oh, and something else I didn’t remember, there is a 2.50 charge for all this shit show added to the eventual purchase. I believe this is exactly how they want to abolish gun ownership in this State. Make it so aggravating you just toss in the towel. It will bite them in the ass financially eventually I think, if they get their wish. When all the hunters quit buying licenses, firearms, ammunition, clothing, and everything else we spend money on they will feel the huge empty wallet.
  12. Can you just imagine we have gotten to the point of having to leave and come back if and when “they” decide you can have ammunition to deer hunt? Thank goodness we have our overlords looking out for us. It’s sick!
  13. Gave up the ladder stands in the woods tonight for a scrub bush in the middle of the goldenrod. What the heck. If I don’t shoot a deer at least I’ll have a field day (pun intended) checking for tics tonight. Cripes I hate them damned things !
  14. If there are large numbers of gun owners/hunters that do not vote, I can’t imagine who they are and what is wrong with their minds. I sure as hell wouldn’t consider myself, or anyone I associate with to fall in that category. “We” vote! And, any one who has followed this site for the past 13 years or so, there should be little question how, and for who, I (“we”) vote. Agree! For now! Wait until they come knocking on your door asking to see your supply and confiscate it. Think it can’t happen? In New York, don’t count it out.
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