abortion is already legal in New York. 5 minutes down the road from me there is a clinic that does the procedure and every wednesday you see protesters with signs out front and a cop car sitting nearby. almost every Planned Parenthood clinic does the procedure and you can find non clinic doctors offices that do the procedure. I know of a few people that have had it done. One of which was raped and became pregnant because of the rape. I do not think that late term abortion is ok because someone changed their mind. as stated before me. BUT I feel if the women decides to do this procedure because of health risks to the child or the mother or if the women finds out early term then wants the abortion then I feel NO ONE should tell them what they should or should not do. If it does nothing to affect your daily life, MIND YOUR BUSINESS!!!! People claim they are all for freedom...... of but wait, when it comes to abortion then you chould be governed..... its either you are for freedom or against it you cant have both.. ...