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Everything posted by apoallo

  1. it is a personal choice of the person(s) in that situation. I am not against nor for it
  2. it may do what its intended to do.. however i dont know if its the picture or the beanie but it just doesnt look like it sits right
  3. omg this def had me at first my jaw dropped while reading
  4. multiple times during the summer months I like to lay on the pool deck in the nude, heads up. I hope they like the view when I have an itch...
  5. all of the above or... the young generation of that time will be able to sit at his/her computer/phone and move a gun on screen and aim at a deer shoot and the meat will be shipped from whereever to his/her house. all from the warm cozy couch
  6. ive seen stickers they read "Im proud of my firearms" I like those better but Keep calm and carry on is good also. As long as you show your support thats all that matters. I personally dont like stickers on my car the only one I have on the window is the NRA member sticker.
  7. I woke up one morning and figured I would try out state land. This was my first time on state land and I didnt do any scouting. I parked and went into the woods and just kept walking eventually I found a nice size tree that had fallen so I sat there and moved the leaves aside. as light came I started looking around to see what was around me and I found a black plastic bag about 3 feet to my right. I looked inside and there was a roll of paper towels and a porn magazine...... I chuckled and all I could think of was if I was sitting in some guys happy thoughts.. was in Orange county NY any members here from orange coounty wanna admit to this???? lol
  8. I eat a light to medium meal the night before.I dont bring any food into the woods with me just a bottle of water. Even that I only sip it here and there. If I eat I will have to poo and if I drink too much I will have to pee. I can get away with taking a leak in the dirt next to me but if the urge to poo was there it would make my hunting an uncomfortable one and less enjoyable.
  9. I just got off the phone with the taxidermist who is doing my mount and he told me the dimensions of the buck I took this past season for the mount. from the eye to the tip of the nose is 7" and the seam of the neck is 17" he was taken border of putnam and westchester county. are these numbers considered big, average, ....???
  10. i ground hunt only. I have a few stands and a climber but I nnever use them. I usually find a large diameter tree or rock walll and sit against them waiting in an area that I know gets traffic.
  11. my father in-law sent me this. I thought it was pretty funny so I thought I would share: MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A WOMAM > > > > > > > > > Only an Aussie man can make you feel like a woman! > > > > > > A plane passed through a severe storm. The turbulence was awful, and things > > > went from bad to worse when one wing was struck by lightning. > > > > > > One woman lost it completely. > > > > > > She stood up in the front of the plane and screamed, 'I'm too young to die,' > > > she cried. > > > Then she yelled, 'If I'm going to die, I want my last minutes on earth to be > > > memorable! Is there anyone on this plane who can make me feel like a WOMAN?' > > > > > > For a moment, there was silence. Everyone stared at the desperate woman in > > > the front of the plane. Then the man from Australia stood up in the rear of > > > the plane. > > > > > > He was handsome, tall, well built, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. > > > Slowly, he started to walk up the aisle, unbuttoning his shirt as he went, > > > one button at a time. No one moved. He removed his shirt. Muscles rippled > > > across his chest. She gasped... > > > > > > Then, he spoke... > > > > > > > > > 'Iron this -- and then get me a beer.'
  12. yea they should have just 5 max per day. and you dont really need that. there is no need to have 50 rounds of pleasure in a week. Although fun its just not needed hell 5 times a day is alot .lol silly
  13. For any one with a Nikon scope. Try out the app from Nikon Spot on. I have used it on my computer to help me with the BDC reticles. You enter all the info it asks for. gun type scope type brand and model of ammunition and velocity it even has a section for those who reload. then once all in entered it will give you the approximate distances for each bdc reticle based on ammo and such. I have not tried the smartphone app yet as it costs about$4.99 ( I am cheap) but the free version for the computer works as well
  14. I read that article just now. I understand what he is trying to do by setting this list and telling people to send emails to arms manufacturers that are currently selling to NY gov and residents asking them to stop those such sales. I get the point however, if all those companies stop selling to NY then the Govt wins, again... now you have a list of companies who wont sell to anti gun states thus hurting the people even more . think of it this way if all the gun companies stop sales to New York where and what will we purchase???
  15. apoallo

    My 8 point

    i would have sh*t bricks if I seen him in the woods
  16. apoallo

    My 8 point

    i am very jealous. I got a nice 8 point this past season also and still have not even heard from the taxidermist yet about how i want him. Ive tried to call a few times but keep getting his voicemail and no returned calls.....im starting to wonder.... Awesome buck thou congrats
  17. If you dont care about looks you could get the round insulation for pipes in white... for the barrel at least the rest of the rifle..... or spend the time and money and get the mossyoak wrap as stated above which looks great BTW
  18. Does anyone in Delaware county know of a Taxidermist Named Jim Radomski from Whitetail Creations? He is suppose to be doing a mount for me from this past season. I am just trying to see if anyone has had work done from him or the Whitetail Creations shop before. I went to a reputable butcher and he recommended Jim to me. However I dont know of anyone who has seen or has his work......Ive tried to look up a website but found a whitetail creations in Bloomfield NY which i believe is in the Buffalo NY area
  19. Thats like those crazy people " if I cant have her no one can"
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