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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by apoallo

  1. I couldnt watch the video buy those .50 cal rifles are so heavy that they dont have much recoil at all. at 35 to 40 lbs of rifle weight to some it might feel like a .308 and to others with a bigger build maybe a .270. I shot one that was 35 lbs and it was nothing. I dont know what kind of rifle this video shows but most are pretty heavy
  2. Does anyone else enjoy peeling the dead skin off of your self after your get a sunburn?? I got burnt pretty good this past weekend on the sound fishing and today starting to peel . So Im sitting on the couch and peeling my skin from my shoulders and i look up and my wife is stareing at me with this disgusted look on her face. I knew she didnt like it so I asked her if she can help me with a hard to reach area...... she stood there so I took off a nice long layer and said oh nevermind honey I got it... and then showed it to her. lol she turned around and walked away , as she went into the bedroom I heard her mumble that I was gross. haha. idk maybe im the only one....
  3. apoallo


    yes thank you! I hope your was great as well.
  4. what about the annoy part of this. what if someone ask a cop a question and doesnt understand the answer and trys angain to get a answer that they can undderstand. all of a sudden UUUUHHH I am annoyed... boom ticket.. like most of the newer laws in the past few months there are way too many grey areas...; not sure I like this. Even thou I have and will never, I like the idea of being able to curse out a cop if I really wanted to do so. without getting punished for doing so.
  5. lol I had that happen to me once. at 3 am a few years back. I grabbed my machette and ran around the opposite side of the house to intercept who or what ever was tapping on my window. I pointed my mag light to my window and there was a fat doe chowing down on the overgrown grass that my landlord was too lazy to weedwack that afternoon.. I figured it was her ears.....tail maybe... or maybe she knew I hunted and just had a death wish....
  6. wow nice job. I bet this work will pay off for you. come this season.
  7. my buddy found this roadkill a few days ago leaving his job. I guess some kids thought it would be funny to give this poor deer a balloon.... hehe was pretty funny
  8. nuts I lost a bunch of my meat 2 winters ago when we had that bad storm in october. just went shopping to prepare for the storm and I start thawing some of my dee rout and low and behold a telephone pole came within 1 fopot of crashing through my back window of my condo. power company had to cut power for a week until they could get a truck back there. I put all the meats in a cooler and put snow in it but mid week it got warms again and then there was nothing I could do.....
  9. I like the daily top posters..... cuz I actually made that list. it will take a few years to get to the 2,000 total post range and by that time every one that is in that range now will be even higher. go not point looking at that list.....
  10. abortion is already legal in New York. 5 minutes down the road from me there is a clinic that does the procedure and every wednesday you see protesters with signs out front and a cop car sitting nearby. almost every Planned Parenthood clinic does the procedure and you can find non clinic doctors offices that do the procedure. I know of a few people that have had it done. One of which was raped and became pregnant because of the rape. I do not think that late term abortion is ok because someone changed their mind. as stated before me. BUT I feel if the women decides to do this procedure because of health risks to the child or the mother or if the women finds out early term then wants the abortion then I feel NO ONE should tell them what they should or should not do. If it does nothing to affect your daily life, MIND YOUR BUSINESS!!!! People claim they are all for freedom...... of but wait, when it comes to abortion then you chould be governed..... its either you are for freedom or against it you cant have both.. ...
  11. nice looks like you have a ton of room
  12. I just took an old rotting 3D deer from my local club they were gonna throw it out any ways. works perfect. you can also use a hen of tom turkey decoy for the deer. I had a small herd come up and smell my turkey decoy last year when I was waiting for the tom to show its head. I was within 20 - 30 feet of the deer in a blind. they never even looked at me I tired to upload the video I took of them with the turkey decoy but the file was too big apparently
  13. can I come and play too???
  14. Nice we need more like this sheriff
  15. We want to go back on a night trip for stripped bass
  16. The charter set up the lines we had a 5 oz sinker on the bottom. And 2 separate lines with a hook on each above the sinker the lines were about a foot apart so concept is the sinker is on the floor and the hooks are free flowing/floating with the water the boat supples clams. Some caught with clams but myself and my friend baught and used sandworms. We put 1 while worm per hook
  17. I took my buddy fishing in the Long Island sound cuz I am unable to attend the bachler party in Vegas. We took the island current charters. Had a blast. Together we got 7 fish. The trip was for porgy and that was the pool fish as well. I got a big porgy and 3 sea robins and my friend got 1 sea robin a 5 pound sea bass and a porgy which was the biggest porgy of the day for that boat. He ended up winning the pool with that fish and took home $150 from the pool<br />Here is my buddies sea bass<br />This next picture is the pool winning porgy not sure how well it will come out on a computer cuz the pic doesn't look that good on my phone
  18. Also with a bow I dont believe you need a permit to keep it in the city wiht you like you would with a rifle or shotgun. although I could be wrong. Also Why are you traveling so far upstate from NYC? There are plenty of deer in Orange county.as well as in other neighboring counties
  19. This was sent to me from my clubs newsletter. Thought I would share if anyone was interested in attending and showing support for our freedoms . LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!!!!
  20. tonight at work the High School Seniors decided to do their senior prank. they anre knocking on the doors and windows trying to get me to let them inside the building. I feel like I am the solo survivor of a zombie apocolypse and they are all zombies trying to get inside to eat my flesh...

  21. I love steakumms and cheese... brings me back to high school
  22. thanks for all the info. cant wait to get started!!!
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