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Everything posted by apoallo

  1. So if a person can't decide to use this rifle as a hunting implement then in your opinion u must be that same type of person that agrees with the antis saying hunters don't need an AR-15 either. Not trying to start an a regiment but u saying that is no different then the antis and government saying we don't need to have an AR15 ....just saying
  2. I have known a goober as a chocolate covered peanut as well and also another word for an eye bugger: definition per urban dictionary is "little balls of mucus found in the inner corners of ones eyes, usually when one first wakes up"
  3. ok... i want one!! Feinstein is such an uneducated a$$ I cant believe she really thinks that cops are so great at shooting. A trained swat sniper.. Yes of course but not your average policemen. When I was 15 my father and I were at an NRA dinner and they had a shooting laser game with a real pistol which was tuned to the guns sights aat 50 feet. I beat 2 local cops and a state trooper that played. as did many other private citizens I just happened to win it all and won a 30-30 gold plated marlin lever action.....most policemen and women barely even practice with their firearm on a weekly basis. they qualify once every so often and thats it it sits in their holster. Their are police officers that do practice but they are few and far between.. Most times when there are police shootings or shootouts you hear that they fire off 50 plus rounds and only hit the target a small handful of times, granted situational stress and adrenoline are in play but these are suppsoe to be "TRAINED" law enforcement and not your untrained citizens
  4. found this ad on craigslist. thought someone would be interested. it is a 12 1/2 acre lot for $38,500. link with details below http://hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/bar/3773232554.html
  5. good luck getting any DMP tags for that area. they also have the AR's
  6. I dont mean to steer buckhunter or anyone else away from doing their own reviews. However I just found this site that tested multiple cameras and they show the results of each their are alot of the popular brands that were tested on here. click the link then click Trail camera Shootout then scroll down and see the rankings of each and on the right side you can view the results of the testing. thiought this was interesting. the covert came up ranked #1 http://www.trailcampro.com/coverttrailcameras.aspx
  7. apoallo


    I seen 2 4 years ago in westchester county near Camp Smith military base and also last year at a state park in NJ which borders Warwick NY . The one at the park was soaring very low over the lake looking for fish i would assume. everyone on the beach was going nuts trying to gets pictures. Also seen one last week, at Bear mountain Park Zoo lol his one was injured years ago and is all messing up in the head. and now lives in a cage. although that one doesnt count
  8. i believe you can have them set up in the off season but he has to take them down and put away a few days before the opening of archery. if he is just trying to increase population and not hunting that property then he could probably get away with keeping them there all year as long as no one hunts it... but I can be wrong so dont quote me.
  9. no return from this seller. I will be getting a decent one pretty soon. I have film from when I was in school in a photograpgy class and will just use that to get rid of it. and as for processing. Ill ask the teacher of the photography class at my job to make one of her students develop it for me.... for free..
  10. so just to update this. I received the trail camera and saw that there was a roll of film in the camera. I changed the batteries and had the roll developed to see the quality of the pictures. and I was surprised. 21 out of the 24 came out good. I wish i can post the pics but they are not digital. it looks like the previous owner was trying to bait a bear. He put a white trash bag filled with stuff(bait0 perhaps rotting meat idk) and hung it from a tree branch about 6 to 8 feet high. with in a day all the camera took were pictures of voltures ripping apart the bag and eating whatevery was inside it. I was impressed with the quality of the photos as well. I would have like digital but this will do the job for now.
  11. just watched the whole thing. very nice. if he thinks his turkey brother hurt him when he attached then I hope he is prepared with the mule deer
  12. ill end up keeping it and trying it out. probably gonna take crap photos however I have 2 areas I wanted to get pics of and I plan on putting this thing out there for a bit just to see it it gets stolen or not. if not then Ill buy a better one and see whats lurking in these 2 spots.
  13. SOO Ive been wanting a trail camera. decided to try and find a cheap used one off ebay to start with this way if it gets stolen I wont feel so bad. I found a used one on ebay and the auction was ending in 8 hours and the current high bid was at $15.00. Was a EZ cam 500 was the name of it. I was so excited to find one that was cheap I placed my bid and actually won. After I paid the $26.53 with shipping I was looking at the description more and at the bottom in smaller print was a sentenance I didnt like . "This is a 35mm camera" S****!!!!! now I have to get old school film and then print the crappy pictures it probably takes.. If I had know it wasnt digital I probably would not have bid on it. Next time I'll go to walmart and buy the brand new tasco for $50
  14. if the coon looks drunk during the daytime. wobbles stumbles, aggressive then it is more than likely rabid. I had one in my back yard last year stumbling around. it then curled up in a ball and looked like it went to sleep I took a long handled spade shovel and poked it. the coon got up and bit the shovel.was very clear it was rabid. I left it alone and an hour later it was dead. so I put it in a plastic bag and tail piped him just in case. for those who dont know what tail piping is. I taped the opening of the plastic bag to the tail pipe of my truck and left it running for 10 minutes. I would had hit it over the head but I didnt want to chance getting rabid coon blood on my lawn and have the dog lick it up....
  15. sounds like your are getting the shaft. after all he did lay off everyone except youi and a few others..... so there is not money to pay out but he has to keep someone to do the work.. I would either leave right away and salvage what you can or give hima choice either pay you what is owed or undo any and all projects that you had part in untill your get your $$$$$ good luck
  16. both are at fault mainly the hunter who fired the shot. the policemen should have been wearing orange if he was just scounting during season.. When I go walking around during turkey season I put on some type of orange and when I sit down I take it off. its just a matter of a little extra safety IMO
  17. I cant help but to wonder if she was released by a wildlife rehabilitator at some point in her earlier youth and is use to humans from being handled. Clearly she had to have some interaction with humans before......
  18. very nice. please hurry with more pictures and story I am super bored at work tonight!!
  19. last deer season in a shotgun zone i heard 3 shots go off probably from a pump and then when I was in rifle country I heard someone with a semi auto taking 5 very rapid shots. I understand wanting to get the deer turkey animal or what have you but once you are done shooting you wont have much thats looks like an animal just swiss cheese. plus more importantly I hope these people know what is beyond their targets........ from the above post it is possible from lack of practice but there are many things going on especially during deer season. bucks chasing doe is a huge factor you cant always stop that buck from chasing that doe.
  20. haha at first I thought it was some type of advertisement.... then again maybe it still is....
  21. I have a Gorilla expedition climber treestand I am on the fence about getting rid of even thou I dont use it. I purchased this before last season thinking I would use it and after trying it out 2 times I wasnt very sure being up in a tree was for me. Ive been ground hunting for 8 years. Its practicly brand new used twice. everything works and all parts are there. here is a link from Gander mountain with a picture of it. I bought it for $159.99. I would consider trades for working good condition bushnell trail cameras or other brand that are of good quality http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Gorilla-Treestands-Expedition-Climber&i=444165&str=gorilla+climber+tree+stand&merchID=4005 (cpoy and paste this link if it doesnt work or go to gandermountain.com and search gorilla expedition climber treestand) Its easy to use but a bit on the heavy side which is another down side for me to use it since most of my spots are all uphill and I already bring a good amount of gear with me. if someone was interested in buying it. make me a decent offer. like I said its only been up and down a tree twice!! I would not feel comfortable taking anything less then $100 or trade for a good used trail camera. I would also like to see pictures of any trail cameras you may have for trade and a picture taken with it if possible night and or day pictures please. I am open to shipping but buyer must pay for shipping. I have the original box and its on the heavy side Trades of equal value please
  22. I will PM you maybe I can help you get on your feet a little bit with some hunting spots around this area. Ive been here for about 5 years now and find it to be very difficult to find good places to hunt without being harrassed..
  23. welcome. where abouts in orange county to you live? I am in Town of Monroe
  24. its bad enough the schools have whole wheat pizza now this.... if they think meat is bad for you then they would vomit over what I will be doing this weekend. every spring me and a few buddies go to sullivan county for our spring turkey "hunt". However over the past few years. its turned into less hunting and more drinking and eating lots of meat through out the night.
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